Translation of "Lag in" in English

Die Gefahr lag nicht in Kroatien, sondern im Erwachen des islamischen Fundamentalismus.
The danger was not Croatia; it was the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism.
Europarl v8

Der Grund dafür lag in der mangelnden Aufmerksamkeit des Rates.
It was due to inattentiveness on the Council's part.
Europarl v8

Das lag sicherlich auch in der Absicht von Präsident Prodi.
This is what President Prodi himself certainly had in mind.
Europarl v8

Als der Krieg zu Ende ging, lag Europa in Trümmern.
When the war ended, Europe was in ruins.
Europarl v8

Das Dorf lag in der Nähe eines Feuchtgebietes – eines echten Vogelparadieses.
The village was close to a wetland – a real bird paradise.
Europarl v8

Diese Moschee lag in Banja Luka, wo es keinen Krieg gab.
This mosque stood in Banja Luka, where there was no war.
Europarl v8

Kurz darauf lag K. in seinem Bett.
A short while later, K. was lying in his bed.
Books v1

Die Frustration lag in all diesem Potenzial.
The frustration was all this unlocked potential.
TED2020 v1

Aber dieser Teil seines Charismas lag in den Augen seiner Anhänger.
But part of his charisma was in the eyes of his followers.
News-Commentary v14

Welch eine unbeschreibliche Würde lag in seinen Tönen!
What unutterable pathos was in his voice!
Books v1

Ich bemerkte diese Dinge nur flüchtig – es lag nichts außergewöhnliches in ihnen.
I noticed these objects cursorily only--in them there was nothing extraordinary.
Books v1

Ja, aber Darmstadt lag dabei in Amerika.
Oh yes, Darmstadt was in America, – and Alabin was giving the party.
Books v1

Drückende Schwüle lag in der Luft, das hatte etwas zu bedeuten.
There was a brooding oppressiveness in the air that seemed to bode something.
Books v1

Und Gebälk lag in drei Reihen, und waren Fenster einander gegenüber dreimal.
And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks.
bible-uedin v1

Ein anderes Problem lag in der wirklich unverständlichen Sprache ihres Lehrbuchs.
Now another problem was that the language in their textbook was truly incomprehensible.
TED2020 v1

Ob ich auf der Seite lag oder in meinem Rollstuhl festgeschnallt wurde.
Whether I was laid on my side or strapped into my wheelchair.
TED2020 v1

Die Infektionsrate lag in meiner Anfangszeit ungefähr bei 2 % .
Infection rate stood at about two percent in my early days there.
TED2020 v1

Steineberg lag damals in einem Nord-Süd-Streifen, der besonderer vulkanischer Aktivität unterlag.
Steineberg then lay in a north-south band that was characterized by a particularly high level of volcanic activity.
Wikipedia v1.0

Die niedere Gerichtsbarkeit über das Dorf lag in den Händen der jeweiligen Burgbewohner.
In the 14th Century, they granted the rights to low justice into the hands of the castle owners.
Wikipedia v1.0

Die niedere Gerichtsbarkeit lag in den Händen der jeweiligen Bewohner von Schloss Wildegg.
The Habsburgs promptly transferred the land around Holderbank to their vassals the von Wildegg family.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seine Stärke lag später in der Klavierimprovisation.
Later his strength lay in improvising.
Wikipedia v1.0

Von Eichenberg bis Bad Sooden-Allendorf lag sie allerdings in Sichtweite der östlichen Wachttürme.
From Eichenberg to Bad Sooden-Allendorf, however, it was within sight of the watchtowers of the border to the east, later called the Iron Curtain.
Wikipedia v1.0

Das Zentrum des Sultanats lag in der Flussebene von Cotabato.
The sultanate was usually centered in the valley of Cotabato.
Wikipedia v1.0

Der Stab des Regiments lag in Enns.
The regimental staff were based in Enns.
Wikipedia v1.0

Vorher lag der Hauptsitz in Dania Beach also nahe bei Fort Lauderdale.
Previously its headquarters were in Dania Beach, Florida, also near Fort Lauderdale.
Wikipedia v1.0

Die wirkliche Macht lag in den Händen von Adib asch-Schischakli.
The real power lay in the hands of Adib al-Shishakli.
Wikipedia v1.0