Translation of "Lag nahe" in English

Maclear lag nahe dem 1994 aufgelösten Homeland Transkei.
The land to the east and south was part of the former homeland of Transkei.
Wikipedia v1.0

Die Basilika lag ursprünglich ganz nahe am Wasser wie die Kathedrale von Trani.
Of the original edifice, only traces of the pavement are today visible in the transept.
Wikipedia v1.0

Marcellus war der Schutzherr Pompejis, also lag diese Vermutung nahe.
Marcellus was the patron of Pompeii, so the supposition was valid.
Wikipedia v1.0

Deshalb lag die Idee nahe, in Neckarsulm ein Zweirad-Museum aufzubauen.
So the idea was to build a motorcycle museum in Neckarsulm, Germany.
Wikipedia v1.0

Da lag es nahe, auch einen Rancher zu heiraten.
I guess it's not too far to go to becoming' a rancher's wife.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Die Weltmacht lag zum Greifen nahe!
The whole world was ours to grab.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ein Ablauf der Missoula-Fluten lag bei Trinidad, nahe bei Quincy.
The Missoula Floods had their outlet at Trinidad, close to Quincy.
WikiMatrix v1

Die Burg lag nahe dem Bach Montfode Burn.
The castle lies close to the Montfode Burn.
WikiMatrix v1

Es lag nun nahe, auch höhere Tarock miteinzubeziehen.
It was now obvious to include higher tarocks as well.
WikiMatrix v1

Es lag deshalb nahe, Kombinationen aus nichtionischen Tensiden und quartären Ammoniumverbindungen einzusetzen.
Therefore combinations of nonionic surfactants and quaternary ammonium compounds have been employed.
EuroPat v2

Sein Anwesen lag nahe den Gleisen am Bahnhof.
His estate was near the line at the station.
WikiMatrix v1

Das lag sehr nahe zu dem was ich vorher schon gelesen habe.
It was very close to stuff I had read before.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Diese Stätte lag nahe bei Jerusalem (Jos.
This was located near Jerusalem (Josh.
ParaCrawl v7.1

So lag es nahe, auch mit der Frieze New York zu kooperieren.
It was logical for the bank to initiate its cooperation with Frieze New York as well.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Die Kooperation zwischen Heytex und JAB lag also nahe.
So cooperation between Heytex and JAB was so obvious.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Für mich lag es nahe, den Clip auf YouTube hochzuladen.
For me, it suggested itself to upload the clip to YouTube.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Es lag deshalb nahe, in Sachen Grobblech auf Dillinger Hütte zurückzugreifen.
The use of heavy plate from Dillinger Hütte was therefore an obvious decision.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Sie lag nahe genug an all den interessanten Orten in Paris.
It was close enough to all famous interesting sites of Paris.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Die Verbrennung von nasser Rinde zur Energienutzung lag deshalb nahe.
The combustion of wet bark for energy use was therefore obvious.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Es lag daher nahe, die Waage mit meinen Mitteln zumindest temporär wiederzubeleben.
Therefore it was obvious to revive the scales with my own means at least temporarily.
CCAligned v1