Translation of "Den sinn treffen" in English

Ich verstehe den Sinn dieses Treffens nicht, Teronn.
I'm not sure I understand the intent of this meeting, Teronn.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Textur in der realistischen Ölgemälde, ist eine sehr wichtige Leistung Elemente, kann es Menschen in den Sinnen zu treffen und Freude, können die Menschen haben den Wunsch zu berühren.
Texture in the realistic oil painting, is a very important performance elements, it can give people in the senses to meet and pleasure, can make people have the desire to touch. It is because the texture can produce a strong stimulus to the vision, which causes people to excitement and impulse, so realistic painting has been favored by the world.
ParaCrawl v7.1