Translation of "Was war nochmal" in English

Warte, warte, warte, was war sein Grundsatz nochmal?
Wait, wait, wait, what was his line again?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war das nochmal für albernes Zeugs?
What's that goofy thing again?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal ihr Tipp, um mich zu gewinnen?
What was her tip for winning me over again?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal seine Masche damals in den 90ern?
What was that scam he had going back in the early '90s?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal mit dem Kopf des Astronauten im Stuhl?
The astronaut in the chair, what did you say about his head?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal der Hague-Schlieffen - Plan?
Remind me, what is the Hague-Schlieffen plan?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Wenn wir reinkommen sollen, sagen Sie... was war es nochmal?
You want us in, you say... What was it?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war das nochmal mit den Hüten?
What was that about hats again?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war das nochmal, Süße?
What was that you made, sweetie?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal Carys' Job?
What did you say Carys' job was?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal das dritte <br />das ich anprobiert hatte?
What was the third one I tried on earlier?
QED v2.0a

Blau, grün un rosa… was war nochmal der Unterschied?
Blue, green and pink… what was the difference again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

F: Was war das nochmal?
Q: What was that again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war doch nochmal ein unangekündigtes Audit?
What is an unannounced audit?
CCAligned v1

Warum überhaupt agil und was war da nochmal mit der Wiener Melange?
Why agile and what was there again with the “Viennese Melange”?
CCAligned v1

Moment… Was war nochmal Roller Derby?
Wait… What was Roller Derby again?
CCAligned v1

Wie sieht Rot aus und was war gleich nochmal Grün?
What does red look like and what was green again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Aber,... halt,... was war meine Frage nochmal?
So... hold on... what was my question again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war nochmal die fünfte Erklärung aus dem Lakandonischen Urwald?
What was the Fifth Declaration from the Lacandon Jungle?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war nochmal mit den anderen Zimmern?
What was with the other rooms again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Echt sein im Beruf – Was war das nochmal?
Being real at work—what was that again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Blasen Sprint – was war das nochmal!?
Bubbles Sprint – what was that again!?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war nochmal das andere Problem?
What was the other problem again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war nochmal die Idee von Hillary?
What was Hillary's idea again?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war nochmal Schritt zwei?
What the hell was step two?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal das Wort?
What's that... what's that word?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war gerade nochmal Thema?
What are we talking about again?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was war nochmal der Name von dem Typ mit dem er seit letzter Woche ausgeht ?
What's the name of the guy that he just started dating last week?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was verdammt nochmal war das?
What the hell was that?
OpenSubtitles v2018