Translation of "Was heißt das konkret" in English

Gut, und was heißt das jetzt konkret für uns?
Okay, what exactly does this mean for us?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Eine Supermacht beschuldigt die andere des Imperialismus, aber was heißt das konkret?
Each superpower seems set on accusing one another of being imperialist, but what does that actually mean?
GlobalVoices v2018q4

Was heißt das konkret für die Sicherheit von SMA Produkten?
What does that specifically mean for the security of SMA products?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was heißt das nun konkret für die Schweiz?
What does this mean in concrete terms for Switzerland?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was heißt das konkret für Unternehmen und Marken?
What does this mean specifically for companies and brands?
CCAligned v1

Was heißt das aber nun konkret für unser Thema hier?
But what does this now imply for our theme, in concrete terms?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Focus: Was heißt das konkret?
The Focus: What does that mean in concrete terms?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Nah am Kunden - was heißt das für Jeveka konkret?
Close to the customer – what does that mean for Jeveka?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was heißt das konkret und wieso ist eine Temperaturabsenkung wünschenswert?
What does that mean more specifically, and why is a lower temperature desirable?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was heißt das für Sie konkret?
What does this mean for you, in practice?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Der Journalist: Was heißt das konkret?
Does this mean every Gentile is a wild animal?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was heißt das konkret für uns heute?
What does that mean, concretely, for us today?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Doch was heißt das konkret im Einzelfall?
But what does that mean in a particular case?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was heißt das konkret für unser politisches Handeln?
What does that mean in concrete terms for our policies?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Citizen Times: Was heißt das konkret?
Citizen Times: What does this mean practically?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was aber heißt das konkret für die etablierten Unternehmen?
But what exactly does this mean for the established companies?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Wir leben in einer Mediengesellschaft, aber was heißt das konkret?
We live in a media society, but what exactly does this mean?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Aber was heißt das eigentlich konkret?
But what does this actually mean?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Das klingt einleuchtend, doch was heißt das konkret?
This sounds clear, but what does it mean in real terms?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Doch was heißt das konkret, und wie kann dieses Ziel erreicht werden?
But what does this mean in practice, and how can this goal be achieved?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Aber was heißt das denn konkret?
But what do they all mean in practice?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Doch was heißt das konkret?
But what does that actually mean in practice?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was heißt denn das konkret?
What exactly does that mean?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Und was heißt das konkret?
What exactly does that mean?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was heißt das nun konkret?
What does that mean in concrete terms?
CCAligned v1

Was heißt das ganz konkret?
What are your experiences?
ParaCrawl v7.1