Translation of "War also" in English

Unser Ziel war also ein möglichst schneller Waffenstillstand.
Ceasefire as quickly as possible was our aim.
Europarl v8

Das war also der erste Erfolg.
That was the first success.
Europarl v8

War also der Beschluß der Kommission gestern richtig, das Embargo teilweise aufzuheben?
Now, was yesterday's decision by the Commission on the partial lifting of the ban right?
Europarl v8

Also war unser Hauptproblem, diese Überkapazität abzubauen.
Therefore, our main problem was how to eliminate the excess capacity.
Europarl v8

Es war also kompliziert, ähnlich wie Verhandlungen mit Marokko über Tomaten.
So it proved as complicated as the negotiations with Morocco on tomatoes.
Europarl v8

Das Konzertierungsverfahren war also ein bloßes Sandkastenspiel.
The concerted action against us was, it seems, just a pilot exercise.
Europarl v8

Meine Anfrage war also keine Kritik, sondern genau das Gegenteil.
This is not a criticism, quite the opposite.
Europarl v8

Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, war also für die Union eine Verpflichtung.
The Union had to act.
Europarl v8

Das war also eine dänische Analyse.
That was, of course, a Danish study.
Europarl v8

Der Kernpunkt war zunächst also der freie Warenverkehr bei Seilbahnanlagen.
So the central point initially was the free movement of cableway installations.
Europarl v8

Dies war also keine große Überraschung.
There was therefore nothing very surprising in this.
Europarl v8

Was war also der Anlass für die heutige Debatte in diesem Parlament?
So what is it that has provoked the debate in this House today?
Europarl v8

Das war also die große offene Frage des Artikels 223 des Vertrags.
So article 223 has been the great outstanding question of the treaty.
Europarl v8

Es war also ein hartes Ringen.
It was a tough struggle, though.
Europarl v8

Das war also ein Zitat, nicht meine eigene Wortwahl.
This was a quotation and not my own choice of words.
Europarl v8

Der Dieb war Italiener, also hätte ihm ein italienischer Polizist nachlaufen müssen.
That thief was Italian: an Italian policeman should have been chasing him.
Europarl v8

Die Entlastung war also wichtig, und wir mussten den Dialog einfordern.
It was therefore a significant discharge and we have had to exact dialogue.
Europarl v8

Das war also auch keine Ruhmestat.
So that again was not exactly impressive.
Europarl v8

Dieses Mal war also "des einen Tod, des anderen Brot ".
On this occasion, it was therefore a case of one man' s loss being another man' s gain.
Europarl v8

Das war also eindeutig eine Wortmeldung zur Tagesordnung.
This speech does indeed, therefore, concern the agenda.
Europarl v8

Das Embargo war also eine politische Maßnahme.
The embargo was therefore a political measure.
Europarl v8

Ich war also - anders ausgedrückt - dagegen, ihn abzulehnen.
In other words, I was against rejecting it.
Europarl v8

Es war also nicht möglich, ausdrücklich auf ihre Unterstützung Bezug zu nehmen.
It therefore proved impossible to include a reference to support for these groups.
Europarl v8

Die Bekämpfung der Armut war also keineswegs erfolgreich.
So there has definitely not been a success in combating poverty.
Europarl v8

Ich war also 2010 in einem chinesischen Restaurant und habe gut gegessen.
Well, in 2010 I was in a Chinese restaurant and I had a very good meal.
Europarl v8

Niemand war also auf diese Abstimmung wirklich gut vorbereitet.
Nobody had therefore prepared for the vote properly.
Europarl v8

Was geschehen ist, war also zweifellos kein Zufall.
What has happened, therefore, is certainly no coincidence.
Europarl v8

Es war also nicht einfach irgendeine Einrichtung, sondern eine Einrichtung der UNO.
Therefore, it was not any institution but rather an institution of the UN.
Europarl v8

Quasimodo war also Glockenläuter von Notre-Dame.
So Quasimodo was the ringer of the chimes of Notre?Dame.
Books v1

Ich war also nahe daran, Hungers zu sterben.
Hence, I was on the point of dying with hunger.
Books v1