Translation of "Tut was" in English

Die Frage ist: Was tut Europa?
The question is what is Europe doing?
Europarl v8

Was tut das Regime in Nordkorea?
And what is the regime in North Korea doing?
Europarl v8

Was tut die Europäische Union dagegen?
What is the European Union doing about this?
Europarl v8

Herr Cohn-Bendit, was tut man zuerst?
Mr Cohn-Bendit, what are we doing now?
Europarl v8

Was tut Europa angesichts all dessen?
Faced with all this, what is Europe doing?
Europarl v8

Aber, was tut die Kommission?
And what does the Commission do?
Europarl v8

Was tut nun die zuständige Verantwortliche, die Umweltkommissarin?
What, then, does the highest authority, the Commissioner, do?
Europarl v8

Was tut der Kommissionspräsident in so einem Fall?
What does the President of the Commission do in such a case?
Europarl v8

Es geht um die Frage, zu wissen, wer was tut.
We need to know who does what.
Europarl v8

Die Europäische Investitionsbank tut, was sie kann.
The European Investment Bank is doing whatever it can.
Europarl v8

Was tut die Kommission zur Umsetzung dieser Reformen?
What is the Commission doing to implement those reforms?
Europarl v8

Was tut die EU in dieser Angelegenheit?
What is the EU doing about this?
Europarl v8

Was tut sie denn eigentlich die ganze Zeit?
What does it spend all its time doing anyway?
Europarl v8

Was tut dann der arme Konsument?
And what is the poor consumer supposed to do?
Europarl v8

Was tut nun eigentlich die Kommission?
That being the case, what is the Commission doing?
Europarl v8

Herr Vanhanen tut das, was Sie tun.
Mr Vanhanen is doing what you are doing.
Europarl v8

Die Kommission tut, was sie kann, und kommt ihren Verpflichtungen nach.
The Commission is doing what it can and is delivering on it.
Europarl v8

Die Kommission tut, was sie kann, um diese Zusammenarbeit zu befördern.
The Commission is doing whatever is possible to facilitate this cooperation.
Europarl v8

Deshalb tut sie genau, was sie will.
Therefore, it does exactly what it wants.
Europarl v8

Was tut die Präsidentschaft, da wir diesen Vorschlag als Land befürworten?
As a country we support that view, but what do we do as a Presidency?
Europarl v8

Was tut unterdessen die internationale Gemeinschaft?
What is the international community doing in the meantime?
Europarl v8

Und was tut nun die Regierung?
So what is the government doing?
Europarl v8

Ich möchte die Leute fragen - was tut Ihr?
I want to ask people - what are you doing?
Europarl v8

Was tut der Rat, wenn sie nicht in diesem Jahr verabschiedet werden?
What will the Council do if they are not passed this year?
Europarl v8

Die ECOWAS tut, was man von ihr erwartet.
ECOWAS is doing what it is expected to do.
Europarl v8

Und was tut dieses Parlament anstelle einer unmissverständlichen Verurteilung dieses Angriffs?
And instead of clearly condemning this aggression what does Parliament do?
Europarl v8

Was tut man, wenn man umgeben ist von Informationen?
So what do you do when the information is all around you?
TED2020 v1

Aber was tut man mit diesem Privileg?
But what to do with this privilege?
TED2020 v1

Und was tut man in Schwulenbars?
And what do you do in gay bars?
TED2020 v1

Es tut mir leid, was ich deinem Bruder angetan habe.
I am sorry for what I did to your brother.
TED2020 v1