Translation of "Was allerdings" in English

Was geschieht allerdings, wenn der Vertrag von Lissabon ratifiziert wird?
However, what about the Treaty of Lisbon should it be ratified?
Europarl v8

Was mir allerdings Sorgen bereitet, ist der Ministerrat.
What I am worried about, however, is the Council of Ministers.
Europarl v8

Ich frage mich allerdings, was Herr Ferber andeuten wollte.
I wonder however what Mr Ferber wished to imply.
Europarl v8

Was wir allerdings machen können ist der Austausch von empfehlenswerten Verfahren und Erfahrungswerten.
But what we can do is share best practice and experience.
Europarl v8

Was mir allerdings fehlt, ist ein Aktionsplan.
What I miss, though, is an action plan.
Europarl v8

Wir sehen allerdings, was während dieser Wahlen vorgefallen ist.
But let us consider what happened during those elections.
Europarl v8

Was wir allerdings nicht gebrauchen, ist verantwortungslose Fehlinformation und Panikmache.
What we do not need is irresponsible misinformation and scare tactics.
Europarl v8

Was uns allerdings beunruhigt, ist das Schicksal von Vladimiro Montesino.
But we are concerned about the fate of Mr Montesinos.
Europarl v8

Was mir allerdings große Sorge bereitet, das waren Herrn Sarkozys gestrige Ausführungen.
What actually worried me considerably was what Mr Sarkozy said yesterday.
Europarl v8

Was wir allerdings nicht tun dürfen ist, die Tatsachen zu leugnen.
What we must not do is deny the facts.
Europarl v8

Was wir uns allerdings immer noch nicht zutrauen, sind offene Debatten.
What we do not yet, though, trust ourselves to have, is an open debate.
Europarl v8

Was ich allerdings wirklich nicht nachvollziehen kann, ist Folgendes, Herr Kommissar.
There is something I really do fail to understand, however, Commissioner.
Europarl v8

Was die Lehrer allerdings haben, sind Smartphones.
However, what the teachers do have are smartphones.
TED2020 v1

Nathan und Haley haben unterdessen geheiratet, was Lucas allerdings gar nicht gefällt.
He uses Haley to get revenge against Lucas, but not long after emancipating himself, he marries her out of love.
Wikipedia v1.0

Was allerdings, wenn sich dieser Wunsch wirklich erfüllt?
But what if our wish is granted?
News-Commentary v14

Was allerdings immer noch nicht heißt, dass Czaka Deutsch kann!
It might work now after these 2 years. I don't know, but we can try.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was Martha Ihnen allerdings verschwiegen hat, war mein 2. Buch.
But what Martha didn't tell you what Martha didn't tell at all about was my second novel.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was der Mörder allerdings mit den Juwelen wollte, weiß ich nicht.
Though what the murderer wanted the jewels for I can't imagine.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Sie hat allerdings was, oder?
She really is something, though, isn't she?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was mich allerdings nicht daran hindert, es zu versuchen.
Still doesn't stop me trying, though.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich hab hier allerdings was über weibliche Toxine.
Just something about female toxin. - Oh?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was allerdings nicht zu erwarten war, sind diese gelben und hellbraunen Schwanzfedern.
As expected. What is not expected, however, are these yellow and tan tail feathers.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was allerdings unmöglich ist, weil ich sie nie zuvor gesehen habe.
Except that is impossible. I've never met her before.
OpenSubtitles v2018