Translation of "Die untersuchung ergab" in English

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass vier der vorgenannten sechs Unternehmen alle Kriterien erfüllten.
The investigation showed that four of the six companies mentioned above fulfilled all the criteria required and they were therefore granted MET.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass die Inlandsverkäufe des koreanischen Unternehmens repräsentativ waren.
The investigation showed that the total domestic sales of the Korean company were representative.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass ein Anhalten des schädigenden Dumpings wahrscheinlich ist.
It has been found that there is a likelihood of continuation of injurious dumping.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass mit allen Verkäufen Gewinne erzielt wurden.
It was found that all sales were made at a profit.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab für die Magnesia-Steine produzierende Industrie keinen Eigenverbrauch der betroffenen Ware.
The investigation established that there was no captive use of the product concerned within the magnesia bricks producing industry.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass die Inlandsverkäufe repräsentativ waren.
The investigation showed that domestic sales were representative.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass der Antragsteller nicht alle Kriterien erfüllte:
The investigation revealed that not all criteria were met by the applicant:
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass auf dem US-amerikanischen Markt ausreichender Wettbewerb herrscht.
With respect to the USA, it was found that competition is sufficiently strong in the US market.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab keine Anhaltspunkte für etwaige Versorgungsprobleme.
The investigation has not brought to light any supply problems.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung der Metaboliten ergab drei Wege der Verstoffwechslung von Safinamid.
Metabolite structure elucidation revealed three metabolic pathways of safinamide.
ELRC_2682 v1

Die Untersuchung ergab jedoch keinen Hinweis auf etwaige wettbewerbswidrige Praktiken des Gemeinschaftsherstellers.
However, the investigation has found no indication as to any anti-competitive practices of the Community producer.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab, daß dies nicht der Fall war.
The investigation showed that such costs were not a factor taken into account in the determination of prices charged.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab, daß alle Inlandsverkäufe im Untersuchungszeitraum gewinnbringend waren.
The investigation showed that all domestic sales made during the investigation period were profitable.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab ebenfalls, daß mehrere PSF-Produktionsbetriebe im Bezugszeitraum stillgelegt wurden.
The investigation also showed that several PSF production sites were closed down during the period considered.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass auch die Anlagenbewertungen der litauischen Rechnungslegungspraxis entsprachen.
The fixed asset valuations were also found to be stated in accordance with national accounting standards.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab, daß die fraglichen Inlandsverkäufe repräsentativ waren.
The domestic sales in question were found to be representative.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab ferner, dass alle Verkäufe an unabhängige Abnehmer gingen.
The investigation also revealed that all sales were made to independent customers.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass dies der Fall war.
This was found to be the case.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab jedoch, dass im UZ kein Werk geschlossen wurde.
The investigation, however, showed that there was no closure of a plant during the IP.
JRC-Acquis v3.0

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass sich beide Unternehmen im Eigentum derselben Anteilseigner befanden.
The investigation found that both companies were owned by the same shareholders.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass sich die Kapitalbeschaffungsmöglichkeiten über den Bezugszeitraum insgesamt verbesserten.
There was a dip in total investments from 2012 to 2013, linked to a completion of certain investments made in 2012.
DGT v2019

Auch die Untersuchung der Kommission ergab keine solchen Zahlen.
However, the exporting producers did not provide a figure of the domestic consumption in the PRC that could back up their claim that the planned increase in domestic demand would absorb the entire spare capacity.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass der Unterschied bei den Produktionskosten unerheblich war.
The same interested parties also claimed that the QTA and purest PTA are produced by different production processes, namely that production techniques to produce the purest PTA primarily focus on oxidation reaction, refining and reduction reaction, which belongs to a two-step production technique whereas QTA's production technique mainly focuses on precise oxidation reaction and refining, which belongs to a one-step production technique.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass die Kapitalbeschaffungsmöglichkeiten insgesamt schlechter geworden sind.
Investments were linked to acquisition of production facilities from discontinued companies and/or consolidation of related companies and not to the replacement of existing assets or the acquisition of additional and/or new equipment.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab auch, dass die unterschiedlichen Sieböffnungsgrößen kein kostentreibender Faktor war.
Therefore all product types should be included in the determination of the normal value.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab, dass sich die Kapitalbeschaffungsmöglichkeiten über den Bezugszeitraum insgesamt verschlechterten.
The investments increased by 65 % from 2011 to 2012, decreased during 2013 and increased again during the investigation period.
DGT v2019

Die Untersuchung ergab keine Verzerrungen auf dem saudi-arabischen Inlandsmarkt.
The investigation did not reveal any distortions in the domestic market of Saudi Arabia.
DGT v2019