Translation of "Antworte mir" in English

Um Gottes willen, antworte mir!«
Answer, for heaven's sake!"
Books v1

Antworte mir doch, was hast du denn?
Answer me, what happened?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir, gibt es eine Möglichkeit nicht zu sterben?
You answer me, can a man not die?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Peppone, sieh mich an, antworte mir, ich bin's, Don...
Peppone, look at me, speak to me. It's me! Don...
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte bitte, mach mir keine Angst.
Tell me please, don't frighten me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Paul, antworte mir nicht, ok?
Now, Paul, I don't want you to answer me, all right?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Hallo, Jacques... antworte mir!
Hello Jacques... answer me!
OpenSubtitles v2018

Dieses Papier ist deine Haut, die Tinte mein Blut, antworte mir.
This paper is your skin. This ink is my blood. I'm pressing hard so the ink enters in.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir, wenn ich mit dir rede.
Answer me when I talk to you.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir oder ich würge dein Leben aus dir.
Answer me or I'll choke the life out of you.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Wenn du lebst, antworte mir!
If you're alive, answer me!
OpenSubtitles v2018

John, beruhige dich und antworte mir:
John, listen. Be calm and answer me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Egal, was ich antworte, Sie werden mir wehtun.
Whatever answer I give you, Then it'll hurt me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Bitte, komm schon, antworte mir!
Please, come on, ans... answer me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Hör jetzt gefälligst auf mit diesem Blödsinn, Junge, und antworte mir!
Just stop all the fucking around and answer me!
OpenSubtitles v2018

Cara, komm schon, antworte mir.
Cara, come on, answer me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Komm schon, Scorch, antworte mir.
Come on, Scorch, get back to me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir, hat er oder hat er nicht?
Answer me. Did he or didn't he?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir, macht es dir Spaß?
Is that what you like to do? Yes, you do. You like hurting animals.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Schau mir in die Augen und antworte mir.
Look me in the eyes and answer.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Mein Kind, antworte mir doch!
My girl, why don't you answer, dear?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir, und hüte dich zu lügen!
Now answer me! If you lie, you'll pay for it!
OpenSubtitles v2018

Antworte mir, Christian, wer wird ihr das Studium bezahlen?
Answer me this, Christian. Who's gonna pay for her college education?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich stelle dir eine Frage als Detektiv, antworte mir.
I am asking you a question as a detective and I expect an answer.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Thelma, antworte mir, was genau hast du darin gelesen?
Thelma, answer me, what exactly did you read?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Elinor, antworte mir, Mädchen!
Elinor, answer me, lass!
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich sagte, ich bin Detektiv, antworte mir.
I'm a detective. Answer me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Al, antworte mir jetzt und zwar sofort.
Al, I want you to answer me this and answer me right now.
OpenSubtitles v2018