Übersetzung für "Kreatives schreiben" in Englisch

Zur Zeit lehrt er kreatives Schreiben an der Columbia University in New York.
Snyder teaches writing at New York University, Columbia University, and Sarah Lawrence College.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1993 unterrichtet sie kreatives Schreiben am Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In 1993 she became a creative writing teacher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er begann Kreatives Schreiben und Theater zu studieren.
His primal studies being creative writing and theatre.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er unterrichtete Kreatives Schreiben am Los Angeles People’s Education Center.
He also taught fiction writing at the Los Angeles People’s Education Center.
Wikipedia v1.0

In den 1990er-Jahren lehrte sie kreatives Schreiben am Amherst College.
She also taught creative writing at Amherst College in the 1990s.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1997 lehrt Saunders selbst Kreatives Schreiben im Programm der Syracuse University.
Since 1997, Saunders has been on the faculty of Syracuse University, teaching creative writing in the school's MFA program while continuing to publish fiction and nonfiction.
Wikipedia v1.0

Mom meinte, du hättest beide Kurse bekommen, auch kreatives Schreiben?
Mom says you got both classes you want, including the creative writing one?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich unterrichte in Gefängnissen kreatives Schreiben.
I teach creative writing at prisons around the country.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Tut mir leid, ich mache einen "kreatives Schreiben"
Sorry. I'm taking a mail-in creative writing course.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich studierte drei Semester "Kreatives Schreiben" am Bristol Valley Community-College.
I have three semesters of creative writing at Bristol Valley Community.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Nicholas Dunne war mein Lehrer für kreatives Schreiben am Mill Valley.
I met Nicholas Dunne... when he was my creative writing teacher at Mill Valley.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Zeitweise unterrichtet er kreatives Schreiben an der Concordia University.
He has frequently taught creative writing at Concordia University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Derzeit lehrt sie Kreatives Schreiben am Seoul Institute of the Arts.
Kim is an important contemporary poet in South Korea, and she lives in Seoul and teaches creative writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 2000 unterrichtet er chinesische Literatur und kreatives Schreiben an der Dong-Hwa-Nationaluniversität.
In 2000, he began teaching Chinese literature and creative writing at National Dong Hwa University.
WikiMatrix v1

Dort leitet sie zudem das Programm für kreatives Schreiben.
He also directs Tulane's Creative Writing Program.
WikiMatrix v1

Seit wann stehst du auf kreatives Schreiben?
Since when are you into creative writing?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Lass mal sehen, kreatives Schreiben, Psychologie, Mathematik.
College Writing, good. Psychology, Math Lab, which is gonna be good--
OpenSubtitles v2018

Oder ich mache was Anständiges und unterstütze "kreatives Schreiben".
Or do I fight the good fight and promote an appreciation of great writing?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich hatt' einen meiner ersten Kurse für kreatives Schreiben mit ihr.
I was teaching one of... my first courses in creative writing.
OpenSubtitles v2018

An der Lawrenceville School lehrte er Kreatives Schreiben.
Upon graduation, he returned to the Lawrenceville School as a teacher of creative writing.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1999 unterrichtete er Kreatives Schreiben an der Myongji University.
Lee has also taught creative writing at Myongji University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Lim ist als Professor für Kreatives Schreiben an der Hanshin University tätig.
Presently, he teaches Creative Writing at Hanshin University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Interpretationsarbeit oder kreatives Schreiben wird nicht gefragt.
Interpretation work or creative writing is nothing that is asked for.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Ich habe auch kreatives Schreiben an der Schrijversvakschool Amsterdam studiert und Prosaschreiben unterrichtet.
I also studied creative writing at the Schrijversvakschool Amsterdam and taught prose writing.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Am nächsten Tag arbeiteten wir in zwei Gruppen: Kreatives Schreiben und Filzen.
The next day work was done in two groups: Creative writing and felting.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Derzeit lehrt Han Kang kreatives Schreiben am Kulturinstitut Seoul.
Han Kang currently teaches creative writing at the Seoul Cultural Institute.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Wo kann ich mehr über kreatives Schreiben lernen?
Where can I learn more about writing?
CCAligned v1