Translation of "Was wird aus" in English

Und was wird aus den Küstenfangschiffen, die einen hohen sozialen Stellenwert haben?
And what about the coastal fleet, which is socially very important?
Europarl v8

Was wird dann aus Pandora, frage ich mich.
Where does that leave Pandora, I ask myself.
Europarl v8

Was wird denn aus dem Santer-Pakt?
What will become of the Santer Pact then?
Europarl v8

Was wird aus unseren guten Vorsätzen?
What are our good intentions going to come to?
Europarl v8

Frau Präsidentin, was wird aus den Rentnern in der Europäischen Union?
Madam President, what is to become of Europe's pensioners?
Europarl v8

Was wird insbesondere aus unseren Fischauktionen angesichts der in Artikel 12 vorgesehenen Vorablieferverträge?
Where will our auctions fit into all this, in view of the pre-sale contracts included under Article 12?
Europarl v8

Aber was wird aus dem öffentlichen Verkehrssektor?
What about the public transport sector, though?
Europarl v8

Was wird aus den EU-internen Verpflichtungen?
What is happening about the pledges inside the EU?
Europarl v8

Was wird aus der sechsten Revision?
What has happened to the sixth revision?
Europarl v8

Was wird andernfalls aus der Leistung humanitärer Hilfe werden?
What will otherwise become of the provision of humanitarian aid?
Europarl v8

Wir produzieren jährlich Tausende derartiger Broschüren, aber was wird aus ihnen?
We produce thousands of these brochures every year, but where do they end up?
Europarl v8

Und was wird aus der Umwelt?
Moreover, what will happen to the environment?
Europarl v8

Nun, was wird aus den ärmsten zwei Milliarden werden?
So what about the poorest two billion?
TED2013 v1.1

Was wird also aus den Ozeanen in 20 oder 50 Jahren geworden sein?
So what are the oceans going to be like in 20 or 50 years?
TED2013 v1.1

Was wird jetzt aus den Kindern, da beide Eltern tot sind?
What will become of the children now that both parents are dead?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was wird aus seinen Kindern nach seinem Tod werden?
What will become of his children after his death?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was wird aus der koreanischen Halbinsel?
What will become of the Korean Peninsula?
News-Commentary v14

Doch was wird aus den Arbeitslosen, die in ihren Gesellschaften eingesperrt werden?
But what of the unemployed who become locked into their societies?
News-Commentary v14

Aber was wird aus deinem Vater?
But how about your father?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird noch aus der Oper?
What is to become of the Paris Opera?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird aus dir werden, meine Geliebte?
What's going to become of you, my beloved?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Aber was wird aus dem Rom, das 1.000 Jahre stand?
But what of the Rome that has stood for a thousand years?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird denn aus mir, wenn er seine Stelle verliert?
Such a good position. What will I become? And if the Master knew the truth...
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird aus euch kleinen Vögeln?
What are birds coming to anyway?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Davy, was wird aus dir und mir?
Davy, what's going to happen to us? I mean, to you and me.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird aus ihr, wenn ich sie in der Gosse lasse?
What'll become of her if we leave her in the gutter, Mrs. Pearce?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird nur aus uns werden?
What will happen to us?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was wird aus diesen armen Teufeln, wenn ich nicht mehr da bin?
What would it mean to those poor devils if they were to lose me?
OpenSubtitles v2018