Translation of "Sein vater" in English

Sein Vater - angeblich nigerianischer Staatsangehöriger - verschwand noch vor Miguels Geburt.
His father, reportedly a Nigerian national, disappeared before he was born.
GlobalVoices v2018q4

Und Asa tat was dem HERRN wohl gefiel, wie sein Vater David,
And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his father.
bible-uedin v1

Und sein Vater Zacharias ward des heiligen Geistes voll, weissagte und sprach:
And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying,
bible-uedin v1

Sein Vater hat sein Auge auf eine Familie mit einer 7-jährigen Tochter geworfen.
His dad has his eye on a family with a 7-year-old daughter.
TED2020 v1

Darum sollt ihr vollkommen sein, gleichwie euer Vater im Himmel vollkommen ist.
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
bible-uedin v1

Und sein Vater sagte: "Oh ja!
And his father said, "I sure do.
TED2020 v1

Sein Vater wird sich darum kümmern, bis er 25 Jahre alt ist.
His father will take care of that until he is 25.
TED2020 v1

Sein Vater Taj Mohammed war Anwalt und starb 1981 an Krebs.
His father died of cancer in 1980, and his mother died in 1991 from complications of diabetes.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater war Barkeeper in einer Striptease-Bar.
His father was the barkeeper in a striptease bar.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater, Berthold Friedrich Brecht, wurde 1869 in Achern geboren.
As a child, Brecht lived with his grandparents, who resided in Achern.
Wikipedia v1.0

Doch sein Vater brachte ihn zunächst bei der Eisenbahn unter.
His father found Rodgers his first job working on the railroad as a water boy.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater fand ihn jedoch jedes Mal und brachte ihn zurück.
Each time his father found him and brought him home.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater war Thomas Quantrill, der aus Hagerstown, Maryland stammte.
His father was Thomas Henry Quantrill, formerly of Hagerstown, Maryland.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater hieß François de Boisy, seine Mutter Françoise de Sionnaz.
His father was François de Sales, Lord of Boisy, Sales, and Novel.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nach Frankreich zurückgekehrt, warf ihm sein Vater sein unritterliches Verhalten vor.
On his return to France, he met his father's disapproval for his unknightly behavior.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater wurde 1942 vor Stalingrad als vermisst gemeldet.
In 1942, his father was reported missing at Stalingrad.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater war Ingenieur und sein Großvater Landbesitzer.
His father was an engineer, and his grandfather, a landowner.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater war Richter, seine Mutter war Gesangslehrerin.
His German father was the Judge of Mayence, while his half-English mother was a singing instructor.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater war Staatssekretär im Auswärtigen Amt unter Otto von Bismarck.
His father, Bernhard Ernst von Bülow, was a Danish and German statesman.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater ist der Grünen-Mitbegründer und Forstwissenschaftler Wilhelm Knabe.
His father was the noted ecologist Wilhelm Knabe, a co-founder and former chairman of the German Greens.
Wikipedia v1.0

Januar 2008 starb sein Vater an einem Herzinfarkt.
Usher's father died of a heart attack on January 21, 2008.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sein Vater war Verwalter bei den Nadasdys.
His father was a steward of the Nádasdys.
Wikipedia v1.0