Translation of "Sein studium" in English

Harrod absolvierte sein Studium am New College in Oxford.
Harrod attended New College in Oxford on a history scholarship.
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Nach dem Krieg beendete er sein Studium und machte Karriere als Richter.
After the war he finished his studies and became a judge.
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Anschließend setzte er bis 1939 sein Studium bei Nadia Boulanger in Paris fort.
From 1933 to 1939 he studied composition in Paris with Nadia Boulanger.
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An der Columbia University schloss er sein Studium als Kinderpsychologe ab.
He also claimed to have earned a Ph.D. in child psychology from Columbia University in 1941.
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Später ging er nach Täbriz, um sein Studium fortzusetzen.
He then moved to Tabriz in north-western Iran to continue his studies.
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Sein Studium finanzierte er teilweise mit dem Bemalen religiöser Skulpturen.
He travelled around the world to attend exhibitions of his work.
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Sein Studium absolvierte er an der Johns Hopkins University und der Yale University.
He performed his graduate studies at Johns Hopkins University and Yale University.
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Kogerman schloss 1918 sein Studium an der Universität Tartu ab.
Starting in 1913, he studied at the University of Tartu, graduating from its Department of Chemistry in 1918.
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Die Eltern erkannten seine herausragenden mathematischen Fähigkeiten und konnten sein Studium unterstützen.
His parents noticed his brilliant mathematical skills and were able to support his studies.
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Er setzte sein Studium am Mozarteum in Salzburg fort.
He continued his training at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, with the Russian pianist Tatiana Nikolayeva.
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Sein Studium führte ihn an die Universitäten in Straßburg, Bonn und Würzburg.
He then travelled to Germany, where he furthered his education at the Universities of Strasbourg, Bonn, and Würzburg.
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Durch großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung konnte er sein Studium in München fortsetzen.
Because of generous financial support by Aall he later studied in Munich.
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Sein Studium absolvierte er in Kiel, Jena und Berlin.
He completed his study in Kiel, Jena and Berlin.
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Zwischen 1900 und 1902 schloss er sein Studium in Leipzig und Jena ab.
In 1902, Prishvin graduated from the University of Leipzig with a degree in agronomics.
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Im Jahr 1831 führte er sein Studium in Rom fort.
In 1831 he continued his studies in Rome.
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Peacock begann 1809 sein Studium am Trinity College der Cambridge University.
In 1809 he became a student of Trinity College, Cambridge.
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Er beendete sein Studium mit Diplom.
In 2003 Daniel Steiner finished his study with diploma.
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Cagan setzte sein Studium an der University of Chicago fort.
After the war, Cagan decided to go to college, and earned his B.A.
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