Translation of "What does it need" in German

What does it need to be successful in the service business?
Was braucht man, um im Service Business erfolgreich zu sein?
ParaCrawl v7.1

And what does it need for that?
Und was braucht es denn dazu?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Michaela: What does it need that souls get it contact with each other?
Michaela: Was braucht es, damit Seelen miteinander in Kontakt kommen?
ParaCrawl v7.1

What does it need to achieve the modal shift?
Was braucht es um den Modal Shift zu erreichen?
CCAligned v1

What keeps the community together and what does it need?
Was hält die Gemeinschaft zusammen und was braucht sie?
CCAligned v1

What is GDZ and what does it need?
Was ist das GDZ und wozu es gut ist?
CCAligned v1

What does it need and what not?
Was braucht es und was nicht ?
CCAligned v1

What skills does it need in the 21st century?
Welche Fähigkeiten braucht es im 21. Jahrhundert?
CCAligned v1

What it does not need is intellectual trench warfare.
Was sie nicht braucht, sind intellektuelle Grabenkämpfe.
ParaCrawl v7.1

What it does need is toilets fixed.
Was es jetzt braucht, ist die Reparatur von Toiletten.
ParaCrawl v7.1

What is a CSR and what does it need to contain?
Was ist ein CSR und was muss dieser beinhalten?
ParaCrawl v7.1

What does it need to enter the landscape of encounter?
Was braucht man, um die Landschaft der Begegnung zu betreten?
ParaCrawl v7.1

What does the market offer and what does it need?
Was bietet der Markt und was benötigt er?
ParaCrawl v7.1

What does he need it for?
Was will er denn damit?
OpenSubtitles v2018

What more does it need?
Was braucht es sonst noch?
OpenSubtitles v2018

What it does need are instruments that will enable it to put its competences into practice.
Was sie braucht, sind die Instrumente, um ihre Kompetenzen wahrnehmen zu können.
Europarl v8

What does it need to see the change happen you desire?
Was braucht es, um die Veränderung zu sehen, die du dir wünschst?
CCAligned v1

At this historical moment, you have to look the world in the face: what does it need?
Jeder muss sich die Welt in diesem geschichtlichen Augenblick anschauen: Was braucht sie?
ParaCrawl v7.1

What resources does it need for this?
Welche Mittel braucht sie dafür?
ParaCrawl v7.1

What it does not need are new points of conflict, because we are facing a multiplication of points of conflict from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean rim.
Was sie nicht braucht, sind neue Konfliktherde, denn von Afghanistan bis zur Mittelmeerküste verzeichnen wir eine Mehrung der Konfliktherde.
Europarl v8

What does the world want – and, perhaps more importantly, what does it need – from a new American President?
Was erwartet – und vielleicht noch wichtiger – was braucht die Welt nun vom neuen amerikanischen Präsidenten?
News-Commentary v14

What it does need politically is the withdrawal of this army and fair and free elections supervised by the United Nations.
Was es in politischer Hinsicht braucht, sind der Rückzug dieser Besatzungstruppen und richtige freie Wahlen unter der Aufsicht der Ver einten Nationen.
EUbookshop v2

I need to know what it does, I need to hold it in my hand and see it run!
Ich muss wissen, was es tut, muss ich es in meiner Hand halten und sehen es laufen!
OpenSubtitles v2018

What does it need, Minion?
Was fehlt ihr nur?
OpenSubtitles v2018