Translation of "Has been caused" in German

Damage to the building of Europe has been caused on this occasion.
Dem Aufbau Europas wurde in diesem Fall Schaden zugefügt.
Europarl v8

It is in Sweden that we must deal with the damage which has been caused.
Wir müssen den entstandenen Schaden in Schweden beheben.
Europarl v8

Substantial damage has been caused, and the people of the area are suffering untold misery and despair.
Die Schäden sind enorm und das Leid und die Verzweiflung der Bevölkerung unbeschreiblich.
Europarl v8

We must focus on repairing the damage that has been caused.
Wir müssen uns auf die Sanierung der entstandenen Schäden konzentrieren.
Europarl v8

Everything that has occurred here has been caused to happen by them.
Alles, was hier passiert ist, wurde von ihnen verursacht.
OpenSubtitles v2018

It's unlikely his loss of memory has been caused by a brain.
Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass sein Gedächtnisverlust durch ein Gehirn verursacht wurde.
OpenSubtitles v2018

This decline has been caused by the closure of collieries which have ceased to be economic, and by the increase in productivity brought about by mechanization.
Zechenstillegungen aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen und die fortschreitende Mechanisierung waren für den Beschäftigungsrückgang verantwortlich.
EUbookshop v2

The restriction on Greenland's fishing possibilities has been caused rather by the lack of boats, and in this context let me point out that from the structural means at our disposal, not alone from the interim fund, but also from the EAGGF's main fund, resources have been made available for the building of between 12 and 20 ships in Greenland, including a number of modern shrimp cutters.
Die Beschränkungen der grönländischen Fische­reimöglichkeiten sind durch den Mangel an Schiffen bedingt.
EUbookshop v2

In addition, severe damage has been caused to road network infrastructure, and many miles of roads need major repair.
Überdies wurden die Hauptverkehrsadern und viele Kilometer Landstraßen sehr stark beschädigt.
EUbookshop v2