Übersetzung für "Was notwendig ist" in Englisch

Die Stichworte sharing und pooling beschreiben, was jetzt notwendig ist.
The terms 'sharing' and 'pooling' describe what is now needed.
Europarl v8

Vieles von dem, was beabsichtigt, was notwendig ist, bleibt unerledigt.
Much of what was planned, and is essential, remains undone.
Europarl v8

Wir müssen den Mut haben, zu sagen, was notwendig ist.
We have to be able to say what is necessary.
Europarl v8

Sie wissen, was notwendig ist.
You know what is needed.
Europarl v8

Doch sie bleibt hinter dem zurück, was notwendig ist.
It falls short, however, of what is required.
Europarl v8

Unsere Arbeit kann also praktische Ergebnisse erzielen, was auch notwendig ist.
Our work can have practical results, something which is needed.
Europarl v8

Wir müssen die Verfassung messen an dem, was für Europa notwendig ist.
We must judge the Constitution in terms of what Europe needs.
Europarl v8

Was heute notwendig ist, um eine Umstrukturierung zu sichern, ist Zeit.
What is needed now to ensure restructuring is time.
Europarl v8

In diesem Sinne müssen wir nur darüber sprechen, was politisch notwendig ist.
In this sense, we must only speak about what needs to be done politically.
Europarl v8

Wer entscheidet, was notwendig und verhältnismäßig ist und wer trifft diese Entscheidung?
Who will decide what is necessary and in proportion and how will they reach that decision?
Europarl v8

Das ist genau das, was notwendig ist.
That is exactly what we need.
Europarl v8

Doch sie bleibt hinter dem zurück, was wirklich notwendig ist.
It falls short, however, of what is actually needed.
Europarl v8

Dann müssen wir das tun, was notwendig ist.
In such cases, we have to do what is necessary.
Europarl v8

Was notwendig ist, das muss getan werden.
Whatever is necessary must be done.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tun Sie, was immer notwendig ist.
Do whatever it takes.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was jetzt notwendig ist, ist ein Wiederaufbau dieser Grenzen.
So, what's needed now is to rebuild these boundaries.
TED2020 v1

Schadet uns das, was nicht notwendig ist?
Is that which is indispensable to life also harmful to it?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Manchmal müssen wir tun, was notwendig ist... zum Wohle der Gemeinschaft.
Sometimes we have to do what's necessary to do... for the good of everybody.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Und tun, was notwendig ist, damit er unser Schiff freigibt.
And whatever it takes to make him give up our ship.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Sie müssen das tun, was notwendig ist.
You'll do as you must. As we gitanos have done for centuries.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Würde ja nicht gerne in den Weg dessen kommen, was notwendig ist.
Wouldn't want to get in the way of what's necessary.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was auch immer notwendig ist, um dich ein paar Stunden zu beschäftigen.
Yeah, okay, whatever it takes to keep you busy for a few hours.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich weiß, du wirst tun, was notwendig ist.
I know you'll do what must be done.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich denke, Sie wissen, was dafür notwendig ist.
I think you know what that's going to take.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Dann sage ich Ihnen, was notwendig ist.
Then I'll tell you what is necessary.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was immer notwendig ist, Jasper.
Whatever it takes, Jasper.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Vielleicht ist das alles, was notwendig ist.
Maybe that's all it takes.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich tue, was notwendig ist.
I'm doing what's necessary.
OpenSubtitles v2018