Translation of "Zur feier" in English

Anlaß meiner ersten Reise war eine Feier zur Würdigung der jahrelangen Solidaritätsbemühungen.
My first visit was to celebrate the years of solidarity struggle.
Europarl v8

Beide Lieder haben was gemeinsam: den selben Aufruf zur Feier und Einheit.
Both songs have something in common: that same appeal of celebration and unity.
TED2013 v1.1

Am gleichen Abend gibt Macbeth ein Bankett zur Feier seiner Krönung.
At the banquet, Macbeth invites his lords and Lady Macbeth to a night of drinking and merriment.
Wikipedia v1.0

Ende Juli 2006 fand eine große Festwoche zur 1200-Jahr-Feier der Gemeinde statt.
A large anniversary festival was held at the end of July in 2006 to celebrate the area's 1200 years.
Wikipedia v1.0

Tom sagte, dass er es zur Feier schaffe.
Tom said that he could make it to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Zur Feier des Tages tranken Liisa und Markku zusammen eine Flasche Sekt.
In honour of the day Liisa and Markku cracked a bottle of champagne together.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom lud mich zur Feier ein.
Tom invited me to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Weißt du, ob er zur Feier kommt?
Do you know if he's coming to the party?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Sie kaufte ihm ein Hemd, um es zur Feier zu tragen.
She bought a shirt for him to wear to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Er lud mich zur Feier ein.
He invited me to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom fragte Mary, was er zur Feier mitbringen sollte.
Tom asked Mary what he should bring to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom und Maria hatten ein romantisches Abendessen zur Feier ihres einjährigen Zusammenseins.
Tom and Mary had a romantic dinner to celebrate the first anniversary of their being together.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Zur Feier kam auch der aus Twistringen stammende Fernsehmoderator Reinhold Beckmann.
The celebration was also visited by Reinhold Beckmann, a well-known television host, who hails from Twistringen.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sie haben sie zur Feier eingeladen.
They invited her to go to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom weiß nicht, warum Mary nicht zur Feier gekommen ist.
Tom doesn't know why Mary didn't come to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom versicherte Maria, dass er nicht zu spät zur Feier kommen würde.
Tom assured Mary that he wouldn't be late for the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom bat Mary, Salat zur Feier mitzubringen.
Tom asked Mary to bring a salad to the party.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Ich kam zu spät zur Feier.
I arrived late for the celebration.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom und Maria gingen zur Feier ihres Hochzeitstages in ein nobles Restaurant.
Tom and Mary went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Darunter fiel auch die Feier zur 30-jährigen Unabhängigkeit Namibias.
This included celebrations for the 30th anniversary of Namibian independence that was to take place on 21 March.
ELRC_2922 v1

Schließlich diskutiert das Blog von BushRadio die organisierten Veranstaltungen zur Feier des Tages:
Finally BushRadio’s blog discusses the events arranged to mark the occasion:
GlobalVoices v2018q4

Er dankt zudem Jean-Paul DELEVOYE für die Einladung zur Feier zu dessen Amtsantritt.
He also thanked Mr Delevoye for the invitation to the ceremony that had been held to mark the beginning of his term of office.
TildeMODEL v2018

Dieses Jahr finden zur Feier dieses Tages mehrere Veranstaltungen in Europa statt.
This year several events to mark the day are being organised in Europe too.
TildeMODEL v2018

Das Schiff ist angekommen, da dachte ich, zur Feier des Tages ...
I heard the boat was in. I figured y'aII wanted to meet it in style.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich dachte, ich sehe Sie erst zur Feier im Dom.
I thought I wouldn't see you till the ceremony at St. Peter's.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Zur Feier der Städtepartnerschaft fahren wir zur Kolchose.
Now, for the twinning ceremony, we're going to the new kolchoz headquarters.
OpenSubtitles v2018