Translation of "Was hast du" in English

Was hast du gemacht als du in der Verfassung Sanktionen gegen Künstler festlegtest?
What did you do when you put in the constitution sanctions for the artists?
GlobalVoices v2018q4

Die Freundin sagte ihr: "Was hast du erwartet?
Here's what the friend said: "Well, what do you expect?
TED2020 v1

Was hast du denn gethan?«
What have you done?"
Books v1

Was hast du mit Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen und Frodo gemeinsam?
What do you have in common with Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, and Frodo?
TED2020 v1

Was hast du mit so vielen Jahren Wegsein gemacht?
What have you done with so many years of being away?
TED2020 v1

Was hast du gestern Abend gemacht?
What did you do last night?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was! Du hast meinen Schokobären gegessen?
What!? You ate my chocolate bear?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Ist das alles, was du hast?
Is that all you have?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du zu der Zeit gemacht?
What did you do at that moment?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du auf dem Herzen?
What's on your mind?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Und was hast du dann gemacht?
And then, what did you do?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du dir dabei gedacht?
What were you thinking?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du im Krankenhaus gemacht?
What were you doing at the hospital?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du bei Tom gemacht?
What were you doing at Tom's house?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du mit den Batterien gemacht?
What did you do with the batteries?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du letzten Abend im Fernsehen angeschaut?
What did you watch on TV last night?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du da oben gemacht?
What were you doing up there?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du hier draußen gemacht?
What were you doing out here?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du heute in der Schule gelernt?
What did you learn at school today?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom, was hast du getan, dass deine Schwester geweint hat?
Tom, what did you do to make your sister cry?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du geträumt, als ich dich geweckt habe?
What were you dreaming about when I woke you?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du dem Hund zu fressen gegeben?
What did you feed the dog?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du gegessen, als du in Australien warst?
What did you eat when you were in Australia?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du sonst noch gesehen?
What else did you see?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du gerade geträumt, als ich dich weckte?
What were you dreaming about when I woke you up?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Maria, was hast du denn heute bloß?
Mary, what's wrong with you today?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du mit Tom auf dem Dachboden gemacht?
What were you and Tom doing in the attic?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du da im Gesicht?
What's that on your face?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du von ihr bekommen?
What did you get from her?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was hast du sonst noch gegessen?
What else did you eat?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10