Translation of "Was bedeutet dies für" in English

Was bedeutet dies für unsere Bevölkerung?
What does it mean for our populations?
Europarl v8

Was bedeutet dies für die Zusammenarbeit der Europäischen Union mit der Slowakischen Republik?
What does that mean in terms of cooperation between the European Union and the Slovak Republic?
Europarl v8

Was bedeutet dies alles für uns?
What does that mean for us?
Europarl v8

Was bedeutet all dies für uns?
What does this all mean for us?
TED2013 v1.1

Was bedeutet dies nun alles für die Praxis?
So what does all this mean in practice?
TED2013 v1.1

Was bedeutet dies für die Medizin?
What does this mean for medicine?
TED2020 v1

Was bedeutet dies folglich für unsere Organisationsstrukturen?
What does this mean, then, for our organizational landscape?
TED2020 v1

Was bedeutet dies für die Sozialpolitik?
What will this mean for social policy?
News-Commentary v14

Was bedeutet dies für die Ost-West-Verbindungen?
What does all this mean for East West connections?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für unsere langfristigen Beziehungen?
Where does this leave our long-term relationship?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet all dies für das Wirtschaftswachstum?
What would all this add up to in terms of economic growth?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet all dies nun für die Debatte Multilateralismus versus Regionalismus?
So where does all this leave us on the multilateralism vs. regionalism debate?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für die Beziehungen von Drittländern zu den künftigen EU-Mitgliedstaaten?
What does this imply for the relations of third countries with the future EU members?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für die Funktionsfähigkeit der Europäischen Union und des Binnenmarktes?
What does it mean for the functioning of the European Union and of the internal market?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für meinen nächsten Flug?
What does this all mean for my next flight?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für die Versorgung mit Agrargütern?
What implications does this have for the provisions of agricultural goods?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für die Wirtschaftspolitik in den Kandidatenländern?
What are the implications for economic policy in the candidate countries?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was bedeutet dies für uns, für die Europäische Ge meinschaft?
The Community does have resources, however, but here again there is inequality : Germany and Britain have coal deposits, while Italy, as has just been pointed out, has none.
EUbookshop v2

Was bedeutet dies jetzt für uns?
Where does that leave us?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was bedeutet dies für Reisende und die 346 Millionen Verbraucher?
What will the consequences be for Europe's 346 million consumers?
EUbookshop v2

Was bedeutet dies für die zehnneuen EU-Mitgliedsländer?
What about the 10 new Member States?
EUbookshop v2

Was bedeutet dies alles für die Bereitstellung von Statistiken?
A third set of hypotheses has to do with the impact of globalization on technology and innovation.
EUbookshop v2

Was bedeutet dies für andere Länder ?
What doeB this mean for other countries?
EUbookshop v2