Translation of "Und was nicht" in English

Er weiß sehr wohl, was hier möglich ist, und was nicht.
He knows very well what is possible and what is not possible in this regard.
Europarl v8

Erst dann können wir tatsächlich erkennen, was funktioniert und was nicht.
Only then can we really discern what works and what does not.
Europarl v8

Derzeit herrscht Rechtsunsicherheit darin, was im Softwarebereich patentierbar ist und was nicht.
At present there is legal uncertainty on what is patentable and what is not in the area of software.
Europarl v8

Ich habe vermerkt, was seither geschehen ist und was nicht.
I have taken note of what has happened since then and what has not.
Europarl v8

Ein klares Signal, was das Parlament will und was es nicht will.
It gives a powerful signal indicating what Parliament does and does not want.
Europarl v8

Wir wissen nun, was machbar ist und was nicht.
We already know what can and cannot be done.
Europarl v8

Ich war so entsetzt und wusste nicht, was ich tun sollte.
And I was really appalled, and I couldn't figure out what to do.
TED2013 v1.1

Und wenn nicht: Was zum Teufel machst du da?
And if you wouldn't, what the heck are you doing?
TED2013 v1.1

Dann wüsste man, was wirklich gerecht wäre und was nicht.
Then you would know what was really just and what wasn't.
TED2020 v1

Jeder muss verstehen, was vorausgesetzt wird und was nicht.
Everyone needs to understand what is assumed and what is not.
TED2020 v1

Wir haben viel darüber gehört, was sie tun können und was nicht.
We've heard a lot about what they can and can't do.
TED2020 v1

Dort bestimmen die Parteien, was getan wird und was nicht.
Political parties don't do that, they were the ones who determined what to do or not to do.
GlobalVoices v2018q4

Was real ist und was nicht, ist wirklich schwer zu sagen.
What's real or what isn't is really hard to tell the difference between.
TED2020 v1

Wir reden uns ein, was wir können und was nicht.
We tell ourselves what we can and cannot do.
TED2020 v1

Was dürfen wir sagen und was nicht?
What are you allowed to say or not say?
TED2020 v1

Und dem, was ihr nicht erblickt.
And by oath of those you do not see.
Tanzil v1

Doch wie entscheiden Sie, was wichtig ist und was nicht?
But how are you going to decide what is important, and what isn't?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Aber wie willst du entscheiden, was wichtig ist und was nicht?
But how are you going to decide what is important, and what isn't?
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Ich langweile mich und weiß nicht, was ich tun soll.
I'm bored and don't know what to do.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Vielleicht wissen Tom und Maria nicht, was sie tun sollen.
Tom and Mary might not know what they're supposed to do.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Tom war verwirrt und wusste nicht, was er sagen sollte.
Tom was confused and didn't know what to say.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Maria war verwirrt und wusste nicht, was sie sagen sollte.
Mary was confused and didn't know what to say.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Ich war betrunken und wusste nicht, was ich tat.
I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10