Translation of "Am pool" in English

Am Pool liegen ein halbes Dutzend Schachteln mit Zigaretten.
There's half a dozen boxes around the pool filled with cigarettes.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Wenn man den ganzen Tag am Pool liegt, wird man ziemlich hungrig.
Well, lying around your pool all day, you work up quite an appetite.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Sie stand also am Pool, wann war das?
You said she came by the pool. What time was that?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Haben Sie Stanley draußen am Pool gesehen?
Have you seen Stanley out there by the pool?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Neulich bin ich am Pool einem echten Leckerbissen begegnet.
You know, the other day I met this big hunk of stuff out by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Morgen am Pool kannst du dir 200 Mädchen ansehen.
Hi, Max. I got 200 girls for you to look at. They'll be at the pool tomorrow, 10:00.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Der Kerl, mit dem du heute am Pool geredet hast.
The guy that you were talking to at the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Sie hat ihn morgens oft schlafend am Pool oder auf dem Boden gefunden.
She often found him passed out by the pool or on the floor in the mornings.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Gemma und ihre Freundinnen sind übrigens am Pool.
By the way, Gemma and her girls are at the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Du verspielst meinen McLaren und jetzt turtelst du am Pool rum.
You're kidding me, right? You gamble away my McLaren and now you're frolicking by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Wir hängen heute Abend am Pool ab.
Well, hey, man, we're having a kickback tonight by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Wann befragen wir die Damen am Pool, Harry?
When are we gonna interview the girls at the pool, Harry?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Am Pool hatte er gesagt, er wolle mit mir zum Karneval.
Why don't you talk to me, honey? That night at the pool, he wanted to take me to the carnival.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Nein, ich habe sie draußen am Pool gefunden.
She wasn't. I found her outside by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich wollte nur ein paar Stunden am Pool.
I just wanted a couple hours by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Hören Sie, die peinlichen Blicke am Pool tun mir leid.
Listen, I'm sorry about the looky-loos at the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich wollte dir am Pool keine Angst machen.
I didn't mean to scare you at the pool earlier.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Das, was Sie am Pool sagten...
That stuff you said by the pool...
OpenSubtitles v2018

Sie war gerade noch am Pool.
Have you seen her or not? - I saw her by the pool earlier.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich habe eine Hütte am Pool im Klub gemietet.
I rented a pool-side cabana for us at the club.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Aber hat er am Pool nicht auch seine Bodyguards dabei?
But wouldn't he have his bodyguards at the pool?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Der herrschte aber nicht am Sullivan Street-Pool.
Not at the Sullivan Street pool, it wasn't.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Der Strahl am Pool zählt nicht.
Mm-mm, the jet at the pool doesn't count.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Nach dem Tequila-Brunnen am Pool, ist irgendwie alles benebelt.
After the tequila fountain at the pool, it's all kind of fuzzy.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Das Mädel hat ihr Handy am Pool vergessen.
Girl forgot her phone by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Okay, ich bin am Pool.
Okay, well, I'll be out by the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Jeder Player weiß, die wahre Action ist tagsüber am Pool.
Every player knows during the day, the real action's at the pool.
OpenSubtitles v2018