Translation of "Am gymnasium" in English

Von 1833 bis 1876 war er Oberlehrer am Gymnasium in Zürich.
From 1833 to 1876 he was "Oberlehrer" at the gymnasium in Zürich, where he died.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er wurde zuerst 1823 Lehrer am Gymnasium in Kleve.
He began his teaching career in Kleve and then transferred to a school in Münster.
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Nach seiner Heirat 1589 erhielt er eine Anstellung am Hennebergischen Gymnasium in Schleusingen.
After marrying in 1589, he obtained a position at the Gymnasium in Schleusingen.
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Von 1893 - 1911 war er am Gymnasium von Trier als Gymnasialprofessor tätig.
From 1893 to 1911 he was working as a high school professor at Trier until his retirement.
Wikipedia v1.0

Schettina unterrichtete von 1984 bis 2007 am Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium in Wien Mathematik und Physik.
Schettina taught from 1984 till 2007 at a high school in Vienna, Austria.
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Im Jahr 1717 wurde er Professor am Thorner Gymnasium.
In 1717 he became a professor at the gymnasium of Toru?.
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Seit 2012 lehrt er Philosophie am französischen Gymnasium in Abu Dhabi.
Currently, he is professor of philosophy at the French School of Abu Dhabi.
Wikipedia v1.0

Ab 1581 war er Rektor am Gymnasium in Moers.
He became professor of theology at Strasbourg in 1573.
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Das Abitur machte er 1961 am Wagenburg-Gymnasium in Stuttgart.
Sakmann enrolled in Volksschule in Lindau, and completed the Wagenburg gymnasium in Stuttgart in 1961.
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Von 1858 bis 1861 war er Lehrer am Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium zu Berlin.
In 1858 he had a teaching position at the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin.
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Sie war von 1963 bis 1977 Lehrerin am Gymnasium von Steinkjer.
From 1963 to 1977 she worked as a high school teacher in Steinkjer.
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Ab 1894 unterrichtete Dimitrow auch Bulgarisch am türkischen Gymnasium in der Stadt.
He also taught Bulgarian in the local Turkish gymnasium.
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Bis zu Auflösung des Ordens 1773 war er Lehrer am Gymnasium in Worms.
In his youth, he was a member of the Society of Jesus.
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Er arbeitete auch als Hilfslehrer am Gymnasium von Rambouillet.
He worked also as a substitute teacher at the lycée of Rambouillet.
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Von 1905 bis 1922 war er Direktor am Gymnasium Horn.
From 1905 to 1922 Miklas was headmaster of the Federal Secondary School in Horn, a small town in the Lower Austrian Waldviertel region.
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Im September 1906 legte sie die Reifeprüfung am Kaiserin-Augusta-Gymnasium Charlottenburg ab.
In September 1906 she took the Reifeprüfung at the Kaiserin Augusta-Gymnasium Charlottenburg.
Wikipedia v1.0

Hans Staudinger erwarb sein Abitur am Ludwig-Georgs-Gymnasium in Darmstadt.
Hans Staudinger acquired his Abitur at the Ludwig-Georgs-Gymnasium in Darmstadt.
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Ein Jahr später kehrte er nach Freiberg zurück und lehrte Mathematik am Gymnasium.
In 1831 he returned to Freiberg where he worked as mathematics teacher at the local Gymnasium.
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Nach dem Abschluss unterrichtete er zunächst am dortigen Gymnasium.
He entered the University of Munich and after graduating, taught at the gymnasium there.
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Zurück in der Türkei, unterrichtete er Mathematik am Galatasaray-Gymnasium.
Returning to Turkey, he taught mathematics at Galatasaray High School.
Wikipedia v1.0

August 1848 wurde er Dozent für Naturkunde und Mathematik am Gymnasium in Deventer.
After this he became a teacher of physics and mathematics at a gymnasium in Deventer.
Wikipedia v1.0

Lhr habt doch einen neuen Sportlehrer am Gymnasium.
You have a new gym teacher at school?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Geehrte Freunde, es war einmal am Gymnasium...
Dear friends, back in prep school...
OpenSubtitles v2018

Die hab' ich von 'nem Freund, der unterrichtet am Gymnasium.
I have this from a friend who teaches at a high school.
OpenSubtitles v2018