Translation of "Popeye the sailor man" in German

And who are you supposed to be? Popeye, the Sailor Man?
Und du bist wohl Popeye, der Seemann?
OpenSubtitles v2018

After an hour of games, your forearms will looking like those of Popeye the Sailor Man.
Nach einer Stunde der Spiele, Ihre Unterarme ähneln denen von Popeye der Seemann.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Right, thanks to Popeye the Sailor Man here, the van is still our best bet, right?
Na gut, dank Popeye unserem Seemann hier, ist der Van immer noch unsere betste Option, richtig?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Young, red-faced with the sleeves rolled up, fists of fingers like fat rolls of coins, he looked like Popeye the sailor man, come to life.
Jung, rosige Wangen mit umgekrempelten Ärmeln, richtige Wurstfinger, er sah aus wie Popeye, der Seemann, leibhaftig.
QED v2.0a