Übersetzung für "There were also" in Deutsch

However, there were also other victims of the National Socialist atrocities.
Aber es sind eben auch andere den nationalsozialistischen Gräueltaten zum Opfer gefallen.
Europarl v8

There were also an unprecedented number of position papers.
Darüber hinaus gab es eine beispiellose Anzahl von Positionspapieren.
Europarl v8

On issues relating to Agenda 2000, there were also discrepancies between our words and our actions.
Auch bei der Agenda 2000 gab es Widersprüche zwischen Worten und Taten.
Europarl v8

With an ever-changing situation, there were also more and more reforms.
Mit einer immer wieder veränderten Situation gab es auch immer wieder Reformen.
Europarl v8

There were also start-up problems in the distribution of the appropriations for the programme to the national agencies.
Auch bei der Verteilung der Programmmittel an die nationalen Agenturen gab es Anlaufschwierigkeiten.
Europarl v8

There were also the crucial accompanying measures, such as access to the networks.
Ferner gab es die entscheidenden Begleitmaßnahmen, wie den Zugang zu den Netzen.
Europarl v8

There were also women tending looms and lathes.
Es gab auch Frauen, die an Webstühlen saßen und die Drehbänke bedienten.
Europarl v8

There were also positive developments in the privatisation of the banking system.
Auch bei der Privatisierung des Bankwesens gab es positive Entwicklungen.
Europarl v8

There were also shortcomings within the Commission.
Doch es gibt auch Mängel in der Kommission.
Europarl v8

But there were also problems within the Committee on Petitions.
Doch es gab auch Probleme innerhalb des Petitionsausschusses.
Europarl v8

However, there were also reports in which events were played down.
Allerdings gab es auch Berichte, in denen die Ereignisse heruntergespielt werden sollten.
Europarl v8

There were also the Sapir and Penelope reports.
Weiterhin gab es die Berichte Sapir und Penelope.
Europarl v8

There were also Drumbeat events in Paris, Toronto and Bulgaria.
Es gab auch Drumbeat Veranstaltungen in Paris, Toronto und Bulgarien.
GlobalVoices v2018q4

In addition to this, there were also electrical machines for wood processing.
Weiter gab es noch elektrische Maschinen zur Holzbearbeitung.
WMT-News v2019

But there were also revelations.
Aber es gab auch Momente der Erleuchtung.
TED2020 v1

There were also specimens with brown or olive thorax.
Es wurden aber auch schon Exemplare mit bräunlichem oder olivfarbenem Thorax entdeckt.
Wikipedia v1.0

There were also more than 10 schools in the town.
Darüber hinaus gab es zehn christliche Schulen in der Stadt.
Wikipedia v1.0