Übersetzung für "Was nützt es" in Englisch

Was nützt es denn, wenn wir in Aserbaidschan investieren?
What is the use of our investing in Azerbaijan?
Europarl v8

Was nützt es, dieses Land mit Empfehlungen und Forderungen zu überhäufen?
What is the use of plying this country with recommendations and demands?
Europarl v8

Aber was nützt es uns, keine Inflation zu haben?
What, however, is good about not having inflation?
Europarl v8

Was nützt es uns, das Rezept des Internationalen Währungsfonds genau zu befolgen?
Why should we faithfully comply with the recipe of the International Monetary Fund?
Europarl v8

Was nützt es zu siegen, wenn niemand herkommt?
What's the use of conquering land if no one settles there?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, sie zu verfluchen?
What good will your cursing do?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Doch was nützt es zu klagen?
But what's the use complaining?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, davon zu reden.
What's the use talking about that?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, eins zu haben, das man nicht finden kann?
What's the sense of having one if you can't ever find him?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Und was nützt es schon, vergossenem Blut nachzutrauern?
And anyway, what's the use of crying over spilled blood?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, auf etwas Unnötigem rumzureiten?
What's the use repeating something useless?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Und dann, was nützt es?
And then, what's the use?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich meine... was nützt es denn noch?
I mean, what does it matter?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich meine, was nützt es einem heruntergekommenen alten Drecksack wie dir?
I mean, what use would it be to a decrepit old sack of filth like you?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es zu sagen: "Es ist ekelhaft"?
Why do you say it's disgusting?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt uns das, es sei denn, wir machen es offiziell?
What good does that do us unless we start going on the record with it?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, wenn du allein bist?
What good is it if you're alone?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, das zu verstecken?
Why even try To hide away?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, davor zu flüchten?
Why even try To run away?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, dem auszuweichen?
Why even try To hide away?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, mehr zu wissen?
What's the point in knowing more?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es Apophis, Teal'cs Sohn zu kidnappen?
What does Apophis gain by kidnapping Teal'c's son?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es dir, ihn zu decken?
Why cover for him? He'll get life.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Das könnte ich sagen, aber was nützt es?
I could tell you all that, but what would you do with the information?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, jemanden zu töten, wenn niemand trauert?
What is the use of killing without grieving?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es Mulder, wenn Sie Ihre Karriere aufs Spiel setzen?
What good are you to Mulder if you give them the power to ruin your career?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, wenn die Spinnen euren Planeten vorher erreichen?
It won't attack anything if the bugs get to your planet before it's finished.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Aber was nützt es dem Rest von uns?
But what good does it do the rest of us?
TED2020 v1

Was nützt es, ihn umzubringen?
What good will killing him do?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was nützt es, wenn mich keiner sieht?
What good is it if nobody sees me?
OpenSubtitles v2018