Übersetzung für "Was ist erforderlich" in Englisch

Sie liegen weit hinter dem zurück, was erforderlich ist.
They are lagging far behind what is needed.
Europarl v8

Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt tun wir meines Erachtens genau das, was erforderlich ist.
From this point of view, it seems to me that we are doing exactly what is needed.
Europarl v8

Wir haben uns als unfähig erwiesen zu tun, was dringend erforderlich ist.
We have shown ourselves to be unable to do what is urgently needed.
Europarl v8

Was stattdessen erforderlich ist, ist die umfassende Lösung aller Kernfragen.
Instead, what is called for is a sweeping solution to all the core issues.
News-Commentary v14

Das ist alles, was erforderlich ist.
That's all that's necessary.
Tatoeba v2021-03-10

Was erforderlich ist, sind die genetischen Sequenzen von tausenden von Maistypen.
What is needed is the genetic sequences of thousands of types of maize.
News-Commentary v14

Was ist erforderlich, um eine hohe Leistung zu gewährleisten?
What is needed for high performance?
News-Commentary v14

Was nun erforderlich ist, ist ein entsprechendes Schreiben Bushs an Abu Mazen.
What is needed now is a parallel letter from Bush to Abu Mazen.
News-Commentary v14

Nuancierung ist jedoch genau das, was erforderlich ist.
But nuance is exactly what is required.
News-Commentary v14

Die Deutschen, so scheint es, tun alles außer was erforderlich ist.
The Germans, it seems, will do everything except what is needed.
News-Commentary v14

Die Kommission wird alles tun, was hierfür erforderlich ist.
The Commission will do everything that is necessary for this to happen.
TildeMODEL v2018

Was erforderlich ist, ist die Entwicklung der Schule als gesamtheitliche Organisation.
However, what is also required is the development of the school as an organisation as a whole.
EUbookshop v2

Wir tun, was erforderlich ist.
We're doing what's necessary.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was jetzt erforderlich ist, ist Mut.
What is required now is daring.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich mache, was erforderlich ist.
I'll do what I have to.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Also... alles, was erforderlich ist?
So... by any means necessary?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was ist erforderlich, damit Sie die Arbeit wieder aufnehmen?
What would it take to get you back? Excuse me?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Wir sind bereit, alles zu tun, was... erforderlich ist.
We are willing to do whatever is... required, whatever is necessary.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was ist erforderlich, damit eine Veränderung zu einem erfolgreichen Ereignis wird?
People were also asked to discuss the extent to which personal changes were self-determined or caused by ex ternal forces beyond their control.
EUbookshop v2

Was ist überhaupt erforderlich, um eine Friedens truppe in Jugoslawien zu stationieren?
What is definitely needed if a peacekeeping force is to be stationed in Yugoslavia ?
EUbookshop v2

Alles, was erforderlich ist, ist Eure Unterschrift.
All that we require is your signature.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Tun Sie, was erforderlich ist.
We'll do whatever it takes, okay?
OpenSubtitles v2018

Ich weiß, was hier erforderlich ist.
I understand what is needed here.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Morgen wird er tun, was erforderlich ist.
Tomorrow he'll do what we need him to.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Was ist erforderlich, um den durchschnittlichen Druck zu kennen?
What is required to know the average pressure
ParaCrawl v7.1