Übersetzung für "Professor an der universität" in Englisch

Er ist Professor, jetzt an der Vanderbilt Universität,
He's a professor. He's now at Vanderbilt.
TED2020 v1

Von 1909 bis 1944 war Egas Moniz Professor an der Universität Lissabon.
In 1911 he became professor of neurology in Lisbon until his retirement in 1944.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1892 war er Professor für Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Graz.
He is considered a member of the Vienna School of Art History.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er war ab 1895 Professor an der Universität Gießen.
He was professor at the University of Giessen from 1895.
Wikipedia v1.0

Mit 50 Jahren wurde er Professor an der Universität Lund.
The next year, he became a full professor at Lund University, where he would undertake his most influential work.
Wikipedia v1.0

Ab 1926 war er Professor an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
In 1926 he was appointed professor at Göttingen.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1999 war er Professor für Systemarchitektur an der Universität Karlsruhe.
In April 1999 he took up the System Architecture Chair at the University of Karlsruhe.
Wikipedia v1.0

Anschließend wirkte er außerordentlicher Professor an der Universität Erlangen.
From 1916 to 1920, he was Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rostock.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er ist Professor an der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem.
He is Professor of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Wikipedia v1.0

Dort arbeitete er als Professor an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
He lived thereafter in Germany where he worked as a Professor at the University of Munich.
Wikipedia v1.0

Ab 1930 lehrte Falkenstein als außerordentlicher Professor für Assyriologie an der Universität Göttingen.
From 1930 onward, Falkenstein taught as a professor of Assyriology at the Göttingen University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Bis 1895 war er Professor an der Universität München.
After studying with Heinrich Limpricht at the University of Greifswald he became Professor at the University of Munich till 1895.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nerman war ab 1923 Professor für Archäologie an der Universität Tartu.
In 1923 he became professor in archeology at the University of Dorpat (Tartu, Estonia).
Wikipedia v1.0

Mignanelli war Professor an der Universität zu Siena, später Advokat in Rom.
In 1533, he moved to Rome, becoming a consistorial advocate.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1986 ist er Professor für Philosophie an der Universität Genf.
He is currently Professor for philosophy at the University of Geneva, where he collaborates with, among others, Pascal Engel.
Wikipedia v1.0

Im Jahre 1952 wurde er zum außerplanmäßigen Professor an der Universität Freiburg ernannt.
In 1952 he was appointed associate professor at the University of Freiburg.
Wikipedia v1.0

Professor der Geologie an der Universität Graz ernannt.
He studied under Eduard Suess and became a Professor of geology in Graz.
Wikipedia v1.0

Danach wurde er Professor für Physik an der Universität Jena.
He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena.
Wikipedia v1.0

Ab 1760 war er Regius Professor für Astronomie an der Universität Glasgow.
His son Patrick Wilson succeeded him as Regius Professor of Practical Astronomy at Glasgow University, in 1784.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1967 ist er Professor an der Universität Paris-Süd in Orsay.
Since 1967 he has been a professor at Paris-Sud 11 University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Danach war er Professor an der Lomonossow-Universität.
At the time he was the youngest Doctor of Science in the Soviet Union.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 1956 war er als Professor der Wirtschaftsfakultät an der Universität Zagreb tätig.
From 1956 he was a professor of economics at the University of Zagreb.
Wikipedia v1.0

Ab September 1936 war er Professor an der Universität von Nanjing in China.
He was a student in the USA, graduating from the University of Chicago in 1931.
Wikipedia v1.0

Von 1915 bis 1926 war er Professor für Kristallographie an der Universität Manchester.
He was Professor of Crystallography at the Victoria University of Manchester 1915-1926 and Vice-Chancellor of the University during the same years.
Wikipedia v1.0

Kamphausen war ab 1863 Professor an der Universität Bonn.
He was born in Solingen and educated at the University of Bonn.
Wikipedia v1.0

Oktober 1929) war ebenfalls Chemiker und Professor an der Universität Münster.
In 1892 (with Jastrowitz) he was the first to describe pentosuria.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er war sodann Professor an der Universität Lüttich und am College of Europe.
He was also a professor at the University of Liège.
Wikipedia v1.0

Kottler war Privatdozent und ab 1923 Professor an der Universität Wien.
He was a Privatdozent before he got a professorship in 1923 at the University of Vienna.
Wikipedia v1.0