Translation of "Lower school" in German

Without the elementary and lower middle school classes, the school was about to disappear.
Ohne Grundschul- und Mittelstufeklassen schien die Schule dem Untergang geweiht.
ParaCrawl v7.1

For a long time, dual VET was a domain for lower secondary school leavers.
Lange Zeit war die duale Berufsausbildung eine Domäne der Hauptschulabsolventen.
ParaCrawl v7.1

29 percent of lower secondary school leavers not from a migrant background achieve this.
Von den Hauptschulabsolventen ohne Migrationshintergrund schaffen dies 29 Prozent.
ParaCrawl v7.1

There's a social cost to that: children without access to deworming treatments have lower rates of school attendance.
Dies hat soziale Kosten: Kinder ohne Zugang zu einem Entwurmungsmittel gehen seltener in die Schule.
TED2020 v1