Translation of "Es hieß" in English

Es hieß, bis etwa 10.00 Uhr.
I was informed that it would run until about 10 a.m.
Europarl v8

Es hieß, sie sollten keine kurzen Röcke tragen.
It was said that they should not wear short skirts.
Europarl v8

Wie oft hieß es: Ganz Europa ist Inland.
How often have we heard it said that Europe was a single territory?
Europarl v8

In den Nachrichten hieß es, sie seien an Kälte gestorben.
The news programmes reported that they died of cold.
Europarl v8

Auf der Titelseite des Economist hieß es diese Woche daß Europa nicht arbeite.
As the front cover of The Economist said this week: Europe is not working!
Europarl v8

In der Antwort des Kommissars hieß es, diese Hilfe sei ein Kostenvorteil.
It was said in the Commissioner's response that this aid is a cost advantage.
Europarl v8

Da hieß es: " Auf das Rote Kreuz wird nicht geschossen" .
We did not think anyone would fire on the Red Cross.
Europarl v8

Es hieß, dies zu sagen, sei Demagogie.
It has been said that saying this is demagogy.
Europarl v8

Es hieß, dass 14 Kapitel wegen des Ankara-Protokolls eingefroren wurden.
It has been said that 14 chapters are frozen because of the Ankara Protocol.
Europarl v8

Es hieß, dass nun alles anders und besser werden würde.
We were told that it was all going to change, it was all going to be made better.
Europarl v8

Irgendwann hieß es, Politik sei nicht wichtig.
At one stage people said that politics is not that important.
Europarl v8

Im Mai hieß es, die Aufständischen würden innerhalb kurzer Zeit besiegt.
In May, the message was that the insurgents would be defeated before long.
Europarl v8

Auf Nachfrage bei den Fraktionen hieß es, es war der Parlamentsdienst.
When I asked them, I was told it was the Parliamentary services that had done it.
Europarl v8

Am Anfang hieß es, man schickt eine EU-Truppe dorthin.
At the start, the talk was about sending an EU force there.
Europarl v8

Als Antwort hieß es, das sei eine Angelegenheit der Nationalstaaten.
In reply, I was told this was a matter for the Member States.
Europarl v8

Es hieß Nein auf allen Bänken.
It was a ‘no’ from all sides.
Europarl v8

Die Fahrbahn musste während der Unfallaufnahme gesperrt werden, hieß es weiter.
The road had to be blocked off while the accident was being investigated, the statement continued.
WMT-News v2019

Die Kriminalpolizei ermittelt, hieß es am Freitag.
The Criminal Investigation Department is investigating the matter, it was stated on Friday.
WMT-News v2019

Ein "Sternenpfad" komme dem Informationsbedürfnis vieler Harzbesucher entgegen, hieß es.
An "astral path" satisfies many Harz visitors' need for information, it is said.
WMT-News v2019

Vor 2011 hieß es im Familienpakt:
Before 2011, the family pact stipulated as follows:
ELRA-W0201 v1

Im Sommer hieß es, harte Arbeit im heißen Tennesseesommer zu verrichten.
Summers were hard, hard work, in the heat of Tennessee summers.
TED2013 v1.1

Früher hieß es, wie kontrollieren wir ihr Erdöl?
Before it was, how do we control their oil?
TED2020 v1

Bis 1843 hieß es "Wabassee County".
The county was set off in 1840 as Wabassee County, and renamed in 1843.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nur in der Zeit 1934–1940 und 1944–1958 hieß es "Adelphi Theatre".
The Adelphi Theatre (1934–1940 and 1944–1958), originally named the Craig Theatre, opened on December 24, 1928.
Wikipedia v1.0

Es hieß, dass er das Mandat des Himmels verloren habe.
It was said that he had lost the Mandate of Heaven.
Wikipedia v1.0

Bis 1843 hieß es "Notipekago County".
It was set off in 1840 as Notipekago, but its name was changed in 1843.
Wikipedia v1.0