Translation of "Of his life" in German

He relates aspects of his own life and experience in every report.
Bei jedem Bericht erzählt er aus seinem Leben und von seinen Erfahrungen.
Europarl v8

To die fearlessly was the last poetic offering of his life.
Unerschrocken zu sterben war seine letzte poetische Hinterlassenschaft.
Europarl v8

Even before the news of his death, Turkmenbashi's life had been surrounded by conspiracy theories.
Schon vor seinem Tod war Turkmenbashi's Leben von Verschwörungstheorien umrankt.
GlobalVoices v2018q4

And there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the days of his life.
Es war aber Krieg zwischen Rehabeam und Jerobeam sein Leben lang.
bible-uedin v1

To a ten-year-old boy, one year is the same as 10% of his life.
Für einen 10-jährigen Jungen entspricht ein Jahr 10 % seines Lebens.
TED2020 v1

My father also lived most of his adult life in East Africa.
Auch mein Vater wohnte die meiste Zeit seines Erwachsenenlebens in Ostafrika.
TED2020 v1

Until now what good had he had of his life?
Was hatte er bisher an Glück in seinem Leben erfahren?
Books v1

One of them lost his life.
Einer von ihnen verlor sein Leben.
GlobalVoices v2018q4

He was just kind of writing about his life.
Er schrieb einfach irgendwie über sein Leben.
TED2013 v1.1

He had to be on that pill for the rest of his life.
Er muste dieses Medikament für den Rest seines Lebens einnehmen.
TED2013 v1.1

Wallace remained an ardent defender of natural selection for the rest of his life.
Wallace blieb für den Rest seines Lebens ein vehementer Verteidiger der natürlichen Selektion.
Wikipedia v1.0

Rejected for duty, he called it one of the major disappointments of his life.
Ferner plante er auch eine Erzählung über die Schlacht von Gettysburg.
Wikipedia v1.0

The second Karmapa spent much of the first half of his life in meditation retreat.
Karma Pakshi verbrachte die erste Hälfte seines Lebens größtenteils im Retreat in Tsurphu.
Wikipedia v1.0