Übersetzung für "Master of business administration" in Deutsch

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) was first offered in 1980, followed by the Part-time MBA in 1984.
Der Master of Business Administration (MBA) wurde erstmals 1980 angeboten.
Wikipedia v1.0

In 1977, he decided to return to school, and he earned a Master of Business Administration from Harvard University in 1979.
An der Harvard Business School machte er 1979 seinen MBA.
Wikipedia v1.0

He has a Master of Business Administration in finance.
Dort machte er einen Master of Business Administration in Finanzwissenschaften.
WikiMatrix v1

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a particularly well-known master's degree.
Ein besonders bekanntes Aufbaustudium ist der Master of Business Administration (MBA).
ParaCrawl v7.1

Look no further, this Master of Business Administration is for you.
Suchen Sie nicht weiter, dieses Master of Business Administration ist für Sie.
ParaCrawl v7.1

In addition, there is also the degree programme Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Zusätzlich gibt es einen Studiengang Master of Business Administration (MBA).
ParaCrawl v7.1

The degree programme Master of Business Administration leads to the qualification of MBA.
Der Studiengang Master of Business Administration führt zum Abschluss MBA.
ParaCrawl v7.1

He earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the INCAE Business School in 1977, graduating from its campus in Nicaragua.
Danach studierte er an der INCAE Business School, wo er den Master erreichte.
Wikipedia v1.0

In the year 2013, Støjberg achieved the title of Master of Business Administration from the University of Aalborg.
Im Jahre 2013 erwarb Støjberg den Master of Business Administration an der Universität Aalborg.
WikiMatrix v1

Darin holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Saint Thomas.
Darin besitzt ein Diploma als Master of Business Administration der Universität von Saint Thomas.
CCAligned v1

Following this he graduated with a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France.
Anschliessend erwarb er am INSEAD in Fontainebleau/Frankreich den Master of Business Administration.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Alexander holds a Master of Arts in Business Administration from the University of St Gallen, Switzerland.
Alexander hat einen Master of Arts in Business Administration von der Universität St. Gallen, Schweiz.
CCAligned v1

At present, two Business Keeper scholars are already reading for their Master of Business Administration at the School GRC.
Gegenwärtig absolvieren bereits zwei Business Keeper-Stipendiaten ihren Master of Business Administration an der School GRC.
ParaCrawl v7.1

At the postgraduate level, we offer a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Education.
Auf der postgradualen, Wir bieten einen Master of Business Administration und einen Master of Education.
ParaCrawl v7.1

In addition, Doug earned a Master of Business Administration from Southern Methodist University in 1993.
Darüber hinaus erwarb er 1993 von der Southern Methodist University einen Master of Business Administration.
ParaCrawl v7.1

International organizations may request as additional academic qualifications a Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Internationale Organisationen können als zusätzliche akademische Qualifikationen einen Master of Business Administration (MBA) beantragen.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Until 2018, she did her Master of Business Administration (MBA) at IUBH Distance Learning .
Bis 2018 studierte sie den Master of Business Administration (MBA) im IUBH Fernstudium .
ParaCrawl v7.1