Übersetzung für "At the sam time" in Englisch

Was ist die Bedeutung von At The Same Time Songtexte auf Deutsch?
What is the meaning of At The Same Time lyrics?
ParaCrawl v7.1

It’s a little more melodic and a little more aggressive at the same time.
It’s a little more melodic and a little more aggressive at the same time.
Wikipedia v1.0

And at the same time you get all of the Debian guarantees about freedom.
And at the same time you get all of the Debian guarantees about freedom.
QED v2.0a

Die Ergebnisse waren bemerkenswert, da wir die gesamte Ballen 400 acres at the same time.
The results were remarkable as we baled the entire 400 acres at the same time.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Lovano wird zitiert mit den Worten: "It wasn’t just to play at the same time, but to collectively create music within the music.
"The idea [...] wasn't just to play at the same time, but to collectively create music within the music," Lovano wrote in the liner notes to "Cross Culture.
Wikipedia v1.0

In fact it's amazing that anybody could put together a book that is this compulsively readable while at the same time being almost entirely devoid of substance of any kind .
In fact it's amazing that anybody could put together a book that is this compulsively readable while at the same time being almost entirely devoid of substance of any kind .
Wikipedia v1.0

In den 1980ern hatten "Ray Parker Jr and Raydio" noch zwei Top-40-Hits („Two Places at the Same Time“ und „That Old Song“), und ihr letzter und gleichzeitig größter Hit „A Woman Needs Love“ (1981) erreichte sogar für zwei Wochen Platz 1 der R&B-Charts und Platz 4 der Pop-Charts.
During the 1980s, Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio had two Top 40 hits ("Two Places at the Same Time" - #30 in 1980 and "That Old Song" - #21 in 1981) and their last and biggest hit, "A Woman Needs Love (Just Like You Do)", released in 1981, went to #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts and to #1 on the R&B Charts for two weeks in 1981.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nach dem "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online" "the Zeno affair remains one of the most preposterous and at the same time one of the most successful fabrications in the history of exploration.
According to "The Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online", "the Zeno affair remains one of the most preposterous and at the same time one of the most successful fabrications in the history of exploration.".
Wikipedia v1.0

Die Gruppe benannte sich 1980 um in „Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio“ und veröffentlichte schließlich noch zwei weitere Alben, Two Places at the Same Time (1980) und A Woman Needs Love (1981).
By late 1980, the group had become known as Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio, and they released two more albums: Two Places at the Same Time (1980), and A Woman Needs Love (1981).
WikiMatrix v1

Shaheem Redi von MTV News sagte zum Auftritt: „Their set was elegant and ’hood at the same time, and it was such a powerful moment“.
Shaheem Redi of MTV News commented on the performance that, "Their set was elegant and 'hood at the same time, and it was such a powerful moment".
Wikipedia v1.0

So taking it from the infancy in which we don't know anything, obviously we gained all kind of knowledge, all kind of skills, patterns which I suppose could be conditioning and confining but are at the same time essential in order to function in the world.
So taking it from the infancy in which we don't know anything, obviously we gained all kind of knowledge, all kind of skills, patterns which I suppose could be conditioning and confining but are at the same time essential in order to function in the world.
QED v2.0a

And at the same time I would even say that there have been mass popular public teachings that have been very conducive to some people's development.
And at the same time I would even say that there have been mass popular public teachings that have been very conducive to some people's development.
QED v2.0a

Die richtigen Kandidaten haben eine nachgewiesene Erfolgsbilanz Pauschalreisen und experimentelles Lernen den Verkauf von Produkten, eine Verpflichtung zur Erreichung individueller und Unternehmensverkaufsziele, ausgezeichnete mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, ability to quickly adapt to company’s reservations software and work with multiple customers at the same time.
The right candidate will have a proven track record selling vacation packages and experiential learning products, a commitment to achieving individual and company sales goals, excellent oral and written communication skills, ability to quickly adapt to company’s reservations software and work with multiple customers at the same time.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Nowhere and everywhere at the same time heißt treffend die Pendelinstallation des in Frankfurt lebenden Künstlers und Choreografen William Forsythe, die in einer riesigen verlassenen Fabrikhalle auf Cockatoo Island von der Decke schwingt.
Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time is the apt title of the pendulum installation by Frankfurt-based artist and choreographer William Forsythe that is suspended from the ceiling of a giant abandoned factory hall on Cockatoo Island.
ParaCrawl v7.1

At The Same Time Songtext auf Deutsch von Barbra Streisand durchgeführt und Urheberrechte sind Eigentum der Autoren, Künstler und Labels.
At The Same Time Lyrics performed by Barbra Streisand are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Sie sollten beachten, dass At The Same Time Songtext auf Deutsch durchgeführt von Barbara Streisand ist nur für didaktische Zwecke, und wenn Sie den Song mögen, sollten Sie die CD kaufen.
You should note that At The Same Time Lyrics performed by Barbara Streisand is only provided for educational purposes only and if you like the song you should buy the CD
ParaCrawl v7.1

As quickly as among the jobs is downloaded it will be started at the same time, zahlreiche Umstände können auf einmal durchgeführt werden.
As quickly as among the jobs is downloaded it will be started at the same time, numerous circumstances can be performed at once.
ParaCrawl v7.1

At The Same Time auch kann phosphoreszieren, aber auch nur anders zu sein als die umgebende Luft, Brechungsindex, spektrale Reflexion, Transmission oder Farbe, zumindest, dass vielleicht etwas von unter oben genannten Bedingungen eingehalten werden.
At the same time also may phosphoresce, but even just to be different from the surrounding air, refractive index, spectral reflectance, transmittance or color, at least something of that maybe under above conditions complied.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Tippen normalerweise auf Benachrichtigungen gelangen Sie auf die app, Wenn es einen installiert, but when multiple emails come in at the same time the notification is not tappable and you have to go to the mail app manually.
Tapping on notifications normally takes you to the app, if there is one installed, but when multiple emails come in at the same time the notification is not tappable and you have to go to the mail app manually.
ParaCrawl v7.1

At The Same Time erklärt klar sehr einfach und ohne Ausnahme und verursachen die Entstehung von allen sogenannten " Anomalien ", die gemeinsam in der unmittelbaren Umgebung beobachtet werden Kornkreise .
At the same time very clearly explains absolutely without exception cause and the emergence of any so-called "anomalies ", which are collectively observed in the immediate vicinity of crop circles .
ParaCrawl v7.1

Gleichzeitig wurde offenbar, daß die von Payer 1874 gesichteten riesigen Landmassen nördlich ("Petermann Land") und östlich der At the same time it became apparent that the huge landmasses sighted by Payer in 1874 went north ("Petermann Land") and east of the Rudolf Insel (Fortsetzung von Wilczek Land bis Petermann Land) offenbar optische Täuschungen gewesen sein mussten.
By that, the assumed huge land masses of Payer to the north ("Petermann Land"), east of By that, the assumed huge land masses of Payer to the north ("Petermann Land"), east of Rudolf Island (continuation of Rudolf Island (continuation of Wilczek Land to Petermann Land) turned out to seemingly have been only fata morganas.
ParaCrawl v7.1

As quickly as one of the tasks is downloaded it will be begun at the same time, mehrere Umstände können so schnell wie durchgeführt werden.
As quickly as one of the tasks is downloaded it will be begun at the same time, several circumstances can be performed at as soon as.
ParaCrawl v7.1

At The Same Time aufhören zu einem der anderen Argumente einiger Piktogramme Beobachter, der diese Kornkreise von Außerirdischen versuchen, etwas über sie zu kommunizieren, um die Menschheit hergestellt Say gelten.
At the same time cease to apply one of the other arguments of some pictograms observers, who say that Crop Circles are manufactured by extraterrestrials, trying to communicate through them something to mankind.
ParaCrawl v7.1

At The Same Time Songtext auf Deutsch von Barbara Streisand durchgeführt und Urheberrechte sind Eigentum der Autoren, Künstler und Labels.
At The Same Time Lyrics performed by Barbara Streisand are property and copyright of the authors, artists and labels.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Die Präsenz der 168 Stunden von Claudia Bosse und Bettina Vismann, ihr täglich voyeuristisches Widerspiel, ereignet sich wohl ebenso nur im Kontakt mit dem an den Rändern Stehenden/ Stehendem: "they will put all their daily acts and activities on show while at the same time observing and recording their surroundings in writing".
Claudia Bosse and Bettina Vismann's 168-hour long performance, this reciprocal voyeurism, might also only exist because of the neighbouring bystanders and surroundings: "they will put all their daily acts and activities on show while at the same time observing and recording their surroundings in writing".
ParaCrawl v7.1

Die Präsenz der 168 Stunden von Claudia Bosse und Bettina Vismann, ihr täglich voyeuristisches Widerspiel, ereignet sich wohl ebenso nur im Kontakt mit dem an den Rändern Stehenden/ Stehendem: „they will put all their daily acts and activities on show while at the same time observing and recording their surroundings in writing“.
Claudia Bosse and Bettina Vismann’s 168-hour long performance, this reciprocal voyeurism, might also only exist because of the neighbouring bystanders and surroundings: “they will put all their daily acts and activities on show while at the same time observing and recording their surroundings in writing”.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Wenn der deutsche Bundespräsident die Finanzmärkte als „Monster“ bezeichnet, erinnert er an den Mythos von Frankenstein, den schon Marx zitierte, um die rätselhafte Verdinglichung des Kapitals zu beschreiben: „by incorporating living labour with their dead substance, the capitalist at the same time converts value, i.e., past, materialised, and dead labour into capital, into value big with value, a live monster that is fruitful and multiplies.“ Die Herrschenden werden selbst beherrscht, von einer anonymen Macht, die sie zwar verteidigen, deren Logik sie aber nicht verstehen.
But the downswing has so far been unstoppable. When the figurehead German President refers to financial markets as “monsters”, he is recalling the Frankenstein myth already cited by Marx to describe the mysterious thing-ification of capital: “By incorporating living labour with their dead substance, the capitalist at the same time converts value, i.e., past, materialised, and dead labour into capital, into value big with value, a live monster that is fruitful and multiplies.”
ParaCrawl v7.1