Translation of "Ohio state university" in English

Dort besuchte sie für drei Jahre die Ohio State University.
She attended Ohio State University on a scholarship for three years.
Wikipedia v1.0

Im Jahr 1969 wurde er Professor für Chemie an der Ohio State University.
He was promoted to full professor in 1969 and was named Distinguished University Professor in 1987.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nach seinem Abschluss nahm er an der Ohio State University ein Journalismus-Studium auf.
Tiberi attended The Ohio State University where he was a member of The Ohio State University Marching Band.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er studierte an der Ohio State University.
He attended The Ohio State University, majoring in business administration.
Wikipedia v1.0

Footballtrainer während seiner Studienzeit an der Ohio State University war Paul Brown.
"While he was in the Army, he received a package from Paul Brown, the Ohio State football coach.
Wikipedia v1.0

Zurück an der Ohio State University erlangte er 1949 den Master-Grad.
He returned to Ohio State to earn in 1949 his master’s degree in electrical engineering.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sie studierte an der Ohio State University.
She was affiliated with the Ohio State University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Dann bekam sie eine Professur an der Ohio State University.
In 1927 she moved to Columbus, Ohio, where Blaine had accepted a professorship at the Ohio State University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er hat einen Abschluss in Philosophie von der Ohio State University.
He earned a degree in Philosophy from Ohio State University.
WikiMatrix v1

Danach studierte er an der Ohio State University in Columbus.
He then attended Ohio State University at Columbus.
WikiMatrix v1

Er ist nach dem Glaziologen Ian Whillans von der Ohio State University benannt.
Lake Whillans, like the Whillans Ice Stream, is named for Ohio State University glaciologist Dr. Ian Whillans.
Wikipedia v1.0

Sorensen wurde später Juraprofessor an der Ohio State University.
Sorensen became a law professor at the Ohio State University.
WikiMatrix v1

Das Columbus Hotel liegt 8 km von der Ohio State University entfernt.
This Columbus hotel is located 5 miles from The Ohio State University.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Der Dateiformat SVW wurde von Ohio State University erschaffen.
File format SVW was created by Ohio State University.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Ein UNIX Einsteigerkurs der Ohio State University ist als HTML-Version verfügbar.
A UNIX Introductory Course from Ohio State University is available online in HTML format.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Derzeit ist Marino Bibliotheksmitarbeiter an der Ohio State University.
Currently Marino is a library associate at Ohio State University.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Generiert 1967 an der Ohio State University.
Generated in 1967 at Ohio State University.
CCAligned v1

Ein UNIX Systemadministrationskurs der Ohio State University ist als HTML-Version verfügbar.
A UNIX System Administration Course from Ohio State University is available online in HTML format.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Seinen Doktortitel erwarb Hassan an der Ohio State University, USA.
He has a PhD from Ohio State University, USA.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Er wurde 1958 an der Ohio State University promoviert und lehrt seit 1969 in Yale.
He graduated from Brooklyn College in 1954, received an MA from Brown University in 1955 and a PhD from the Ohio State University in 1958.
Wikipedia v1.0

Die Ohio State University war eines der größten Ausbildungszentren für klinische Psychologie in den USA.
In 1963, he became the Program Director of Clinical Psychology at the University of Connecticut.
Wikipedia v1.0

Peter Eisenman lehrte an den Universitäten Harvard, Princeton und an der Ohio State University.
Previously, he taught at the University of Cambridge, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and the Ohio State University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Im November 2011 wurde er zum Cheftrainer der Football-Mannschaft der Ohio State University ernannt.
On November 28, 2011, Meyer accepted the head coach position at The Ohio State University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Im Jahr 1947 schloss er die Ohio State University ab und 1950 die Harvard Law School.
He was a 1947 graduate of Ohio State University and a 1950 graduate of Harvard Law School.
Wikipedia v1.0

Von 1979 bis 1981 unterrichtete er an der Mansfield Abteilung der Ohio State University.
He taught at the Mansfield branch campus of The Ohio State University from 1979 to 1981.
Wikipedia v1.0

Danach setzte sie bis 1981 ihr Studium an der Ohio State University in Columbus fort.
She continued her studies to receive her Ph.D. in Art Education/Multicultural Education from Ohio State University in 1981.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nach dem Abitur lehrte er an der Emory University und der Ohio State University.
After graduating from Northwestern, he taught at Emory University and Ohio State University.
WikiMatrix v1

Eine weitere Ehrenpromotion war für den 22. März 2002 an der Ohio State University vorgesehen.
Another honorary doctorate was awarded in March 2002 at the Ohio State University.
WikiMatrix v1

Marshall entwickelte die Technik an der Ohio State University und der Florida State University weiter.
Marshall has continued to develop the technique at The Ohio State University and Florida State University.
WikiMatrix v1

Prasher wurde 1979 an der Ohio State University zum Ph.D. in Biochemie promoviert.
Prasher received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the Ohio State University in 1979.
WikiMatrix v1