Translation of "Emory university" in English

Danach lehrte er zwei Jahre am Department für Anthropologie der Emory University.
Afterwards, he taught two years in the Department of Anthropology at Emory University.
WikiMatrix v1

Im Jahr 1985 nahm er eine Stelle auf Emory University in Atlanta.
In 1985 he accepted a post at Emory University in Atlanta.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Der Grad an der Emory University angeboten werden,:
The degrees offered at Emory University are:
ParaCrawl v7.1

Die Studiengebühr (geschätzt) von Emory University:
The tuition fee (estimated) of Emory University is:
ParaCrawl v7.1

Ein weiteres nützliches Portal ist die Globalisierungsseiteder Emory University in Atlanta.
Another useful portal is the globalization page of Emory University in Atlanta.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Danach lehrte er an der Brandeis University, Emory University und der Cornell University.
He went on to teach at Brandeis and Emory Universities, before establishing himself at Cornell.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 2005 ist sie "Asa Griggs Candler"-Professorin an der Emory University in Atlanta.
She is the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of mathematics at Emory University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Seit 2010 ist er "Asa Griggs Candler Professor" an der Emory University.
He is currently the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Mathematics at Emory University.
Wikipedia v1.0

Danach setzte er seine eigene Ausbildung mit einem Studium an der Emory University in Atlanta fort.
He was graduated from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, in 1922.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nach dem Abitur lehrte er an der Emory University und der Ohio State University.
After graduating from Northwestern, he taught at Emory University and Ohio State University.
WikiMatrix v1

Auch die Standorte der Emory University und des Georgia Institute of Technology sind nicht weit entfernt.
Our hotel is close to both the Emory and GT campuses.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Im Frühjahr 1999, während meines ersten Studienjahres an der Emory University erhielt ich ein Paket.
In the spring of 1999, during my Freshman year at Emory University I received a package.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Studien der Primatologen Sarah Brosnan und Frans de Waal von der Emory University haben gezeigt, dass Affen auch so etwas wie moralische Werte haben.
Research by primatologists Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal at Emory University has shown that monkeys also have what look like moral values.
News-Commentary v14

Ab 1990 war er an der Emory University, wo er seit 1993 "William Patterson Timmie Professor" für Neurologie ist.
Since 1990, he has been a member of the faculty at Emory University, where he has been the William Patterson Timmie Professor of Neurology since 1993.
Wikipedia v1.0

Die Emory University ist eine amerikanische Privatuniversität in Druid Hills, einem Vorort von Atlanta in Georgia.
Emory University is a private research university in metropolitan Atlanta, located in the Druid Hills section of unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, United States.
Wikipedia v1.0

Asa Griggs Candler, der Gründer der Coca Cola Company, spendete der Emory University das Grundstück und eine Million US-Dollar.
In 1915, Emory College relocated to metropolitan Atlanta and was rechartered as Emory University after accepting a land grant from Asa Griggs Candler, founder of the The Coca-Cola Company.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nathan Bryan besuchte die öffentlichen Schulen und machte 1893 seinen Abschluss am "Emory College" in Atlanta, der späteren Emory University.
He attended the common schools but graduated from Emory College, Oxford, Georgia (now Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia), in 1893.
Wikipedia v1.0

Es folgten ein Lehrauftrag an der Pädagogische Hochschule Halle an der Saale für Neuere Geschichte und Gastprofessuren an der Universität Leicester in England 1991 sowie an der Emory University in Atlanta in den USA, jeweils in Neuerer Geschichte.
This was followed by a teaching post at the College of Education Hall on the Saale and visiting professor of Modern History at the University of Leicester in England in 1991 and at the Emory University in Atlanta in the U.S., both in modern history.
Wikipedia v1.0

Das Krankenhaus "Emory University Hospital Midtown" trug von 1931 bis 2009 den Namen "Emory Crawford Long Hospital".
The current facility is administered by Emory University and since 2009 has been known as Emory University Hospital Midtown.
Wikipedia v1.0

Einige weitere Teile der Sammlung befinden sich in der Johns Hopkins University, der University of South Carolina, der Emory University und in der Alexander Turnbull Library.
Other repositories of his drawings include Johns Hopkins University, University of South Carolina, Emory University, and the Alexander Turnbull Library.
Wikipedia v1.0

Popkin war Gastprofessor in Berkeley, an Brandeis University, Duke University, Emory University, Tel Aviv University, und "Distinguished Professor" der City University of New York.
He was visiting professor at University of California Berkeley, Brandeis University, Duke University, Emory University, Tel Aviv University, and was Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York.
Wikipedia v1.0

Basierend auf Untersuchungen, die ich mit Kollegen der RAND Corporation, der Emory University und den Gesundheitsbehörden in Indien durchgeführt habe, sind arme Gemeinden in den zentralen Regionen Indiens am stärksten gefährdet, ebenso wie Bevölkerungsgruppen, die weniger gebildet sind und deren Haushalte schlechter ausgestattet sind.
Based on research that I conducted with colleagues at the RAND Corporation, Emory University, and health departments in India, impoverished communities in central India are at the highest risk, as are populations that are less educated and have fewer amenities.
News-Commentary v14

Der BMKS spendete er eine Million Dollar und ein Grundstück für die Emory University, damit diese von Oxford nach Atlanta umziehen konnte.
He gave an $1 million plus land gift to Emory University, a Methodist college, for the school to move from Oxford, Georgia, to Atlanta.
Wikipedia v1.0

Nach seinem Tod wurden die Laboratorien an die Emory University in Atlanta (Georgia) verlegt und heißen heute Yerkes National Primate Research Center.
After his death, the lab was moved to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and is now called the Yerkes National Primate Research Center.
Wikipedia v1.0

Diehl lebte in Woodstock, Georgia, und starb 2006 im Emory University Hospital in Atlanta an einem Aortenaneurysma.
He died of an aortic aneurism at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta on November 24, 2006, while working on his tenth novel.
Wikipedia v1.0

Er lehrte unter anderem an der Emory University, der Princeton University, der New York University und der Wesleyan University.
He has taught at many universities, including Princeton, Emory, New York University, the New School, Wesleyan University and the Yale Law School.
Wikipedia v1.0