Übersetzung für "Was waren die ergebnisse" in Englisch

Was waren die Ergebnisse der Bewertung?
What were the results of the evaluation?
TildeMODEL v2018

Was waren die wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse im Bereich nachhaltiges Landmanagement?
Which were the most important scientific results in the field of sustainable land management?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse der Verfassungskonvention?
What were the results of the Constitutional Convention?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse des A/B-Tests und waren Sie davon überrascht?
What were the results of the A/B test and were you surprised by them?
CCAligned v1

Was waren die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und Konsequenzen dieser Initiativen?
What were the major outcomes and consequences of these initiatives?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was war das Ziel, wer nahm teil und was waren die Ergebnisse?
What was the purpose, who participated and what are the conclusions?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse des französischen und indischen Krieges?
What were the outcomes of the French and Indian War?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse der EPD Studie?
What are the results of the EPD study?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse von all dieser Ausübung?
What were the results of all that practice?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse der "Columbian Exchange"?
What were the results of the "Columbian Exchange?"
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse Deiner Bemühungen?
What were the results of your efforts?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die langfristigen Ergebnisse?
What were the long-term outcomes?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Haben wir bereits eine Umfrage bezüglich Mitarbeiter-Engagement/Zufriedenheit durchgeführt und was waren die Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Karriereentwicklung?
Have we conducted an employee engagement/satisfaction survey, what were our findings in the area of career development?
ParaCrawl v7.1

Was waren die Ergebnisse?
What were the results?
CCAligned v1

Um das Thema ein wenig zu wechseln, was waren die Ergebnisse für die Loro Parque Gruppe in diesem Jahr 2019?
Changing the subject a little, what have been the results for the Loro Parque Group in this year 2019?
CCAligned v1

Nachdem durch diese Übung und bekommen recht hoch tun es weg, was waren die Ergebnisse und wie haben sie stapeln sich gegen meine posted Noten?
Having gone through this exercise and gotten quite high doing it, what were the results and how did they stack up against my posted scores?
CCAligned v1

Was waren die Ergebnisse:
What the results were:
CCAligned v1