Übersetzung für "As will" in Englisch

Der AS will sich an der öffentlichen Debatte auf Basis seines eigenen Manifests und Arbeitsplanes beteiligen.
The AS will intervene in the debate from the perspective of the Manifesto and with a view to promoting its autonomous agenda.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Ihre letzten Studioaufnahmen mit ihrer Schwester machte Dolly für das Album For As Many as Will (1978).
Her last recordings were with Shirley on the album For As Many as Will (1978).
WikiMatrix v1

However, when we are concerned with problems in principle, present day computers are about as fast as they ever will be.
However, when we are concerned with problems in principle, present day computers are about as fast as they ever will be.
Wikipedia v1.0

Wie unten ausführlicher beschrieben wird, kann der MDM As will be described in greater detail below, the MDM can 500 500 auf diese Weise wie verschiedene Speicherbausteine verwendet werden.
In this manner, as will be described in greater detail below, the MDM 500 can be utilized as various memory devices.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Ich war zehn Jahre alt, und mein Vater gab mir ein Paar Kassetten von Rockbands, und ich fühlte, ja, das ist das, as ich tun will.
I was like ten years old and my father gave me some Rock-Band tapes and I really felt, yes, this is what I wanted to do.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Hingegen, der Nutzen in Ihre neue Wohnung zu bewegen ist, dass Sie nicht mehr für die Wartungskosten zu zahlen, müssen, as that will be the responsibility of the landlord.
However, the benefit of moving into rented accommodation is that you will no longer need to pay out for maintenance costs, as that will be the responsibility of the landlord.
ParaCrawl v7.1

An sich bleibt doch alles recht ernst und Regisseur Takashi Miike ("As the Gods Will", "Yakuza Apocalypse") ist für seine durchaus blutigen Szenen bekannt, wobei auch hier einige der Astronauten auf brutale Weise sterben müssen, aber immer wieder bricht in dem Film ein eigenartiger Humor hervor, der sich vor allem in Bösewicht Ko Honda, gespielt von Shun Ogiri ("Crows Zero"), manifestiert.
All in all things remain quite serious and director Takashi Miike ("As the Gods Will", "Yakuza Apocalypse") is known for his rather violent scenes, whereas some of the astronauts need to die in gruesome ways here as well, but every now and then a strange kind of humor wells up in the movie, which particularly manifests in villain Ko Honda, played by Shun Ogiri ("Crows Zero").
ParaCrawl v7.1

Der Held der Geschichte, gespielt von Shota Sometani ("Parasyte", "As the Gods Will"), hat zwar nur Frauen im Kopf, wartet aber auf seine wahre Liebe.
The story's hero, played by Shota Sometani ("Parasyte", "As the Gods Will"), may only have girls on his mind, but he is still waiting for his one true love.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Der AS will vermeiden, als ein sich jährlich wiederholendes Treffen zu einer leeren Hülse zu werden.
The AS wants to avoid annually repeated meetings that could become empty shells.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Gathering Peascods ist ebenfalls ein Round for as many as will, aber ohne ein führendes Paar.
Gathering Peascods is also a Round for as many as will, but without a leading couple.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Rounds for as many as will (Kreistänze für beliebig viele Paare), bei denen das führende Paar mit dem nächsten einen gewissen Ablauf tanzt, dann mit dem folgenden, und so weiter im Kreis herum.
Rounds for as many as will (i.e. for any number of couples), where the leading couple dances a given figure with the next couple, and then with the next, and so on.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Anfang Rounds for as many as will Rounds for eight Longways for eight For foure Ende Schließlich gab es auch drei Tänze, die als Square Dances bezeichnet wurden:
Top Rounds for as many as will Rounds for eight Longways for eight For foure End Finally there were three dances classified as Square Dances:
ParaCrawl v7.1

Es wird dringend empfohlen, jedoch, dass Testosteron Teil des Stapels seit Tren sein, in jeder form, natürliche Produktion von Testosteron würde stark unterdrückt werden.. Most individuals find it useful supplementing with the T-3 hormone as levels will generally fall with the presence of Tren.
It’s highly recommended however that testosterone be part of the stack since Tren, in any form, would greatly suppress natural production of testosterone. Most individuals find it useful supplementing with the T-3 hormone as levels will generally fall with the presence of Tren.
ParaCrawl v7.1

When an offered task is completed an additional one will be downloaded and install in its location as well as the loophole will certainly proceed until the computer system is powered off, ist die Infektion oder eine andere ähnliche Gelegenheit geschieht losgeworden. Kryptowährung wird sicherlich zu den kriminellen Controller vergeben (Hacker-Team oder eine einzelne cyber) direkt an ihren Geldbeutel.
As quickly as one of the tasks is downloaded it will certainly be started at the same time, multiple instances can be gone for as soon as . When an offered task is completed an additional one will be downloaded and install in its location as well as the loophole will certainly proceed until the computer system is powered off, the infection is gotten rid of or another similar occasion happens . Cryptocurrency vil helt sikkert blive tildelt de kriminelle controllere (hacking team eller en enkelt cyberpunk) direkte til deres tegnebøger.
ParaCrawl v7.1